Is there anyone who has decided to not have a SLNB.

  • 6 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Hi,  I have  been diagnosed with stage 1b meleloma and I have been offered a SLNB (I was on the on the cusp of being offered) but I feel confused as what the advantages are.  I’m worried about the risks as stand a lot for my job.  Is there anyone who chose to not have it?   My brain feels so confused as I have tried reading up on it and there are two threads of thought.  Any advice/ thoughts would be appreciated x

  • I had 2 SLNB removed from my groin 4 years ago, the only problem was a seroma that appeared but it soon went when I finally received antibiotics. It was worth having it for the peace of mind as it was negative. 

  • Hi, I seriously considered not having it, as like you I was concerned that the disadvantages might outweigh the benefits but in the end I did have it done at the same time as the WLE. I am 3 days post surgery now and had just one lymph node removed. So far so good. Not painful,  although my surgeon said he fully expects some fluid to pool that will need draining. Have you chatted it through with your consultant?

  • Hi Mich1,

    When my mum was first diagnosed with melanoma, hers was less than 1mm thick so she was given the option of having an SLNB and was told she was on the cusp too. She ended up choosing to have it, and it turned out that her melanoma had already started spreading so, in her case, it was 100% worth having it, and she didn't have any lasting damage from the procedure. I'm not saying that to scare you, and obviously the choice is always about risk vs benefit for each person - the vast majority of the time, the SLNB will come back clear - but I thought I should share my mum's story anyway.

    Hope that's okay,


  • Thank you so much Daisy for the reply.  So glad it was negative. X

  • Thank you Pip for telling me your mum’s story.  Hope your mum is all good now and on the road to recovery.  It has given me some food for thought.  Best wishes x

  • Thank you taking the time to respond.  I have spoken to my consultant but still came away unsure.  My head feels like it is going in circles.  Wishing you all the best for your recovery. X