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  • 51 subscribers

Has anyone received Immunotherapy Pembrolizumab on its own?

  • Hi Daisy

    I have ,I am due my 8th of 9 treatments on 3rd January.

    Can I help in anyway??

  • Hi there, sorry to hijack this thread but I had my first session today of pembro, I'm a little apprehensive. How has the treatment been for you? 

  • Thank you for your reply. I know we are all different but how have you felt on the treatment?.

    I had shoe problems for the first year, I then was able to wear almost anything but now the cancer has returned on my foot I am back in extra wide ones again. My seroma in my groin caused more problems than the area where the surgery was. I hope you are getting some good results.

  • Hi Bobbins23

    We are bound to be apprehensive of the treatment, however you are different to me on this journey, I had the WLE & a clear Lymph node biopsy in 2020, I wasn't offered any drug treatment and have never received any scans until recently when I found an enlarged lymph node, scans now reveal Metastatic Melanoma in my Liver & Lungs as well as the original site

    So as you are classed as clear and now on the Pembro you stand a good chance of recovery and at least on your journey you will receive regular scans. I would be interested to hear how you feel on the treatment, unless I back out mine will start in January.

    Good luck with everything.

  • Hi Daisy07  your journey has certainly been a rollercoaster ride! I was undecided about the treatment until the last minute and just thought I would give anything a shot to beat this thing. I only had my first dose yesterday and once that was done I knew I had made the right decision. Onwards and upwards. I wish you all the very best and hope you make the right decision to suit you. 

  • Hi Seroma all gone now and foot OK as long as I keep it well moisturised.

    The immunotherapy was fine for the 1st 3 sessions then I had a bout of colitis and was quite rough,I lost about 3/4 of a stone in 3 weeks, but Clatterbridge were great and a course of steroids sorted me out.I unfortunately started with similar symptoms last week and was put back on steroids again,I am slowly being weaned off them again.The toxicity team have been in touch,I am waiting for the results of x rays and stool sample I have s 24/7 hotline to ring if any issues, but feeling OK now and getting ready for Christmas The aim is to be well enough to have my last 2 treatments and get the full benefit. I could continue to get symptoms for the next 2 years as immunotherapy remains in the system.Overall it has got to be worth it,good luck to you Daisy and Bobbins , we will get through this xx

  • Hi see my response to Daisy, you will get through this x

  • I'm happy you're feeling better and that you are being well cared for. I had my 1st treatment yesterday,  same as you every 6 weeks for a year. My follow up CT scan showed no concerns or spread so I'm feeling positive that the treatment will be a success. I hope I can remain as well as possible through the next 8 sessions. We are all on this journey together, stick with it and we will get through it. Best of luck xx

  • Thank you, you too xx