Biopsy results.

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Hi I had my biopsy done 3 weeks ago (28th oct). I was impatient and Tuesday(21st nov) decided to call dermatology to chase up any results. They said they have my results but the consultant hasn’t done the letter. I was told at my initial appointment that I would be contacted by phone or letter with results assuming letter would mean it was benign. However, I had an odd document added on to my nhs app on 5th nov that said I had to follow up with my GP to access. So after hearing the results were back I contacted them. They in turn chased up dermatology as they couldn’t work out what the document was. Who then told them that they was waiting for the report to be conducted. 

sorry for my ramble, the waiting was frustrating enough but now knowing they have them and it’s been 2 days and I haven’t received a letter or anything, the wait has become more unbearable. 

just wondering if anyone knew how much longer it would be after this ‘report/letter’ was done. And when I will eventually find out. I feel uneasy contacting dermatology again, but I do wish to express to them I am more than happy to receive my results over the phone. Is this something I’m able to do? 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    Waiting for results can be extremely frustrating and even more so when you know that the results have been sent back to your consultant. As for how much longer you'll have to wait, well unfortunately that's impossible to say. It depends on whether the consultant has seen the results and dictated the letter to his secretary who then in turn has to type it and send it out. Also if the results need discussing in a MDT (Multi disciplinary team) meeting before a letter can be sent, that can delay things further as most MDTs are only held once a week.

    As to whether you can have your results told to you over the phone, again that depends on the protocol of the hospital. However, there's no harm in ringing and asking if this would be possible.

    I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you


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  • Hi I'm so sorry to read your post I had my melanoma  excision  on the 8th of November  and I'm to see the consultant  tomorrow  for my results  I like you was expecting  a phone call or an  email  to let me know the results every time tried to get the consultants groups secretary  they were always on holiday  I also found out today via the patients knows best app that I had an appointment  for  a sit down appointment  with the consultant  on the 11th of December  ,which has now been moved to tomorrow the 6th  the waiting and the emotional  roller  coaster you go through  is the worst  especially  as they would not give me my results  over the phone when I finally  managed  to get hold of a secretary   my message to you is this you are not alone,  be strong  kindest regards clayton.