Biopsy waiting times

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I had an urgent referral for a biopsy of a mole and was told waiting times could be 6-8 weeks in central London. Just wondering how long it was taking for people to get their results back to try and manage my expectations. Only at the two week mark but feeling very anxious and would appreciate to hear others experiences. 

I am also unsure how I’ll receive results and whether people were told over the phone or asked to come in for a face to face consultation. 

feeling anxious at this time and just trying to manage my expectations 

  • Hi, 

    We live in the sout coast, just below London. I'll let you know our timescale. My husband had suspicious moles looked at privately end of June. Referred back to NHS due to 2 wk pathway. Went to see NHS dermatologist in July. Moles removed 14th August (slight delay due to our holiday). We were told the results of biopsy should be back in 2 wks but call  if they aren't back in 6wk. 6wks past, felt all must be well as we hadn't heard anything. At 8 wks I called up and was told they would call back by end of day. 10 mins later my husband got a call inviting him in for appointment a wk later (9wks from biopsy). I googled the person we were meeting and discovered it was a MacMillan skin cancer nurse, so pretty much guessed what we would be told. At appointment were told one mole was 1a melanoma. He was examined and they found enlarged lymph nodes next to cancer site so he had further biopsy today (3wks after diagnosis) and 2 wks after WLE. 

    I have to say, apart from the 8wk wait for biopsy results, we have been seen very quickly and have had very clear, compassionate support and advice. When I asked why the original biopsy results took so long, we were told that the NHS are inundated and they are having to outsource biopsies throughout the country. 

    For us, waiting has been the hardest but unfortunately there is nothing we can do about that so we have found keeping busy and positive the best thing. We are now back in the cycle of waiting for more results (WLE and lymph node biopsy). My husband is quite closed. I'm an open book. My mind goes from the worst case scenario to  'it's going to be fine.' Over the last few weeks, I've realised the latter is the healthiest way to deal with things. 

  • HI.  I so relate to the anxiety around waiting and trying to manage expectations.  It's really hard when things are so uncertain.

    I live near Fareham on the south coast - my local hospital is Portsmouth. I had my mole excised on 12 September and had to wait 5 weeks.  My consultant is quite quirky so he phoned me and asked if I'd like my results.  When I said yes please, he invited me to go in and get them there and then.  Really kind of him but also a tad panic inducing!  When I got to the hospital he was waiting for me with the skin cancer nurse.  My results were as he'd suspected - Stage 1b.  

  • Hi, 

    thank you so much for taking the time to explain your experience with this. It must be a very stressful time within your family. Hoping you hear back from the results soon. 

    I think when all you can do is wait for the call it takes a lot of control out of the situation and that is so scary. However I’m so appreciate of finding a community like this where other people understand what you’re going through. I’m so glad that your experiences with the nhs have been good, the staff are absolutely incredible. As a nurse myself I have struggled to transition from nurse to patient especially in these times. 

    Thank you so much for your advice, I definitely have a similar attitude to yourself and will be taking a leaf out of your book and try to focus on a more positive outlook.

  • So sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I can imagine that was very nerve wracking especially being called in for a meeting the same day.

    Thank you for reaching out, I have found it comforting to know that I’m not the only person who is so anxious awaiting results. Health anxiety can be so overwhelming and I find it so hard to put it out of my mind, especially with such a long anticipated wait. 

    wishing you all the best with your treatment

  • I was referred as urgent in May but only had mole removed September. Then the  results of the biopsy 7 weeks later were confirmed as 1B.

    I've just had the WLE procedure done (2 days after results)  but I hope I don't need to wait a further 6-8 weeks back on this hearing what is the  next step or further results.

    I  find concentration is the hardest, especially in a work environment and focus. Usually, I can switch off to other distractions but when one is  waiting on news on health, its  difficult.

    Normally you'll be asked in for results. Positive thoughts 

  • Hi,

    I live in the SouthWest region. Waiting for results is the worst. I focused on my work and training (gym) to try to avoid thinking about it. But many many times, all the bad thoughts came all of a sudden and hit hard. I had several breakdowns.

    In my case, I was always told that if I hadn't heard back in 2-3 weeks' time, I should call the hospital or nurse. Fortunately, results were always in that time period and nurses and doctors were always very kind.
    My first appointment was at the GP in mid-May, the mole was removed one month later and it came positive, stage 1b. A second mole was removed in September, which came as premelanoma. A Wide Local Excision and Sentinel lymph node biopsy were done in October and got the results 20 days later. I think I have been very lucky because always had the next appointment or results in the 2-3 weeks period.

    I hope you get your results soon and they are good news. I know it is more easy to say than to do, but try to stay positive. Relaxed