Back again

  • 8 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi everyone, I’m assuming because I haven’t been on here in a few years that that is why my profile details are no longer showing? So I’ll explain my history briefly - 

I was diagnosed with melanoma stage 1b in 2017 after finding changes in a mole, had WLE and luckily required no further treatment as they cancelled the SLNB when the one that was enlarged (in my groin) went back to normal.

Had a few scares in the last 5 years, had 2 further moles and a suspicious lesion on the sole of my foot removed, all luckily ok. 
They also found 2 tumours in my liver but again, they were luckily benign (hyperplasia focul nodulars) 

I‘m back as another mole has changed so I had that removed on the 24th August 2023. The dermatologist said it was ulcerated but I can’t seem to find much about what that means. Does anyone here have any idea? They’ve not said that about any of the others. 

The mole was on my submental region, which is the area between your chin and neck for anyone, who like me, had never heard of it before. 

My second question is to ask if the margins have changed as the cut seems to be very long for such a small mole, my WLE scar isn’t even as long. 

I suppose I’m back because (and I know this has absolutely no bearing on results) I have a bad feeling about this one, got the same feeling I had with the first one (the one 2 drs, a dermatologist and a surgeon told me was nothing to worry about) so I know that absolutely no one can tell if it’s cancer until it’s tested but it always helps me to come back on here when I’m waiting for results. 

Sending my love to everyone xx

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry that you've had to return to this group, but I hope you'll find it just as informative and supportive this time around as you did originally.

    The melanoma that I had removed was also described as 'ulcerated' which I understand to mean it was because it had either wept or bled.

    I don't know if surgeons make a larger incision these days for an excision biopsy. I've had a few 'things' removed since my original diagnosis 7 years ago but none of the wounds seemed any bigger than the original one. 

    I'll be keeping everything crossed that this latest biopsy you've had comes back benign.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you for your reply. It’s 4 weeks today since my surgery and still no results. Hate the waiting, my mental state is definitely taking a battering. 

  • When were you told to expect your results back? If it's gone past that time then give the number you should have been given a call. The person you speak to might not be allowed to give you them if they're back but they will be able to tell you how quickly you'll get them.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • They said a “few” weeks so I rang on the third week and left a message on the dermatology secretaries voicemail as this was the only number I was given, (other than the treatment room who took the stitches out) but I’ve not heard anything. Rang again today and had to leave another voicemail. Fingers crossed I get a response this time. 

  • Just had a phone call, results are back but the Dr hasn’t looked at them yet, hopefully I’ll hear something next week. 

  • Finally had my results today, it’s a benign intradermal naevus. It’s been a long 6 weeks wait but I’ll sleep a little better tonight. 

    Thank you for having me back on the online community, it really does help, sending hugs to everyone xx

  • That's such great news  

    I hope you're going to have a little celebration Champagne

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you, I definitely will Relaxed