Mestatic melanoma spread to lymph nodes groin

  • 1 reply
  • 48 subscribers
  1. Had a lump which was removed 5 months later was told mestatic melanoma had spread to lymph nodes. Just had them removed but have to wait another month to find out what’s next. There was a mention of immunotherapy but what I don’t understand is why if surgery’s removed the cancer ? Anyone any experience thanks.
  • Hi Chatbox,

    hope your feeling ok after your recent procedure.

    take a read of my profile and you will see I’ve had a groin dissection in February this year. As the melanoma is Metastatic it’s moved or moving about. I’ve had 6 tumours removed over the last 12 months and now waiting on Immunotherapy to begin shortly to stop the spread of anymore tumours.
    They may want to give you the drug to stop anymore spread.

    I’m sure the consultants will explain everything. Mine been fantastic. Did they give you a support nurse to contact? Worth asking her advice too. They have been brilliant for me. 
    hope this has helped a little. Good luck.