Feeling anxious

  • 3 replies
  • 51 subscribers
  • Diagnosed on Monday with Melonoma.  I am struggling physically.  I can't sleep, can't eat, I am shaking.  Is this normal anxiety?
  • Seeing the consultant on Monday.
  • Ah whippetwoman, I don’t think there is a normal way to react to the news, we all react differently. I laughed not sure if that was disbelief / anxiety and amazement all rolled into one. If your asking if you asking if all your struggles are anxiety related that’s a definite could be. 

    My head automatically goes to anxiety when ever I’m not feeling 100 % sometimes the urge is to ignore it and distract yourself, and other times make notes of what your feeling to read back and discount later or to have some info to pass on to your medics. Just don’t dwell on the notes too much. I’ve had to keep a symptom diary lately for how I felt after the covid jab, for a trial for my hospital, and you’ve just reminded me that I had something similar when I was diagnosed in 2015 from Sue Ryder again on a trial to monitor mood and anxiety.

    Do you know what you are struggling with ? I made a worry list to move me on from disbelief and stunned rabbit type phase. Reading it back could then laugh at how silly the worries are or nod and say yes that’s definitely a legitimate worry but can be shelved as it might not happen, or a legitimate worry that I could do something about like write a will and power of attorney or get anxiety help from learning about mindfulness or reading up some more on melanoma to take make some control of the situation. I found the information and support pages great for that and the community for finding people who have been through similar things.

    Getting prepared with questions for a consultant is a great thing to concentrate on, I wish I had done so the first time I met mine, which reminds me I had better do that as I have a consultants appointment this afternoon. 

    I see from your profile your melanoma was 1.5mm so I’m no expert in that as my melanoma was only diagnosed when it had spread and no primary was found so I’m feeling it’s great that yours has already been removed and your moving on to second surgery. There are many here I expect that can tell you how things have been for them. I can see many just read and don’t comment but the odd/right question might just coax a few to give of their experiences if you think it might help.

    I hope things get better for you soon, it’s good to have a way to cope with anxiety so you can put things into place for when you know things are going to be challenging again. 

    Take care KT

  • Hi again

    I can't really add anything to what KTatHome has already said but I wondered if you saw my reply to you a couple of days ago? If not clicking here will take you to it.


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  • Yes it is normal to be upset and frightened. When I received my diagnosis which was over ten years ago I was in a state of shock and would bring my duvet downstairs in the middle of the night and stay on the sofa. Things picked up when I saw my consultant and a treatment plan was given. I then had something to focus on. Like KTatHome I also always write down any question I wanted to ask as I found my mind went blank once I saw the consultant. At first I wasn’t given a written account of the consultation but this last year I have been sent a letter describing what was talked about. I also before COVID struck was able to-have my husband with me. I have had experience of various treatments and am presently on Nivolumab.

    Everyone is different but with immunotherapy treatment I have been able to manage the side effects. I hope the meeting goes well and if you need any advise about the next steps please ask   Also the specialist nurses are usually very supportive. Good luck on Monday . There is light at end of tunnel  After 10 years I am still on treatment but it becomes just a part of my life and I try to fill the other part with getting on with things I enjoy. 
