Opinions/advice massively appreciated ️

  • 16 replies
  • 58 subscribers

First of all I’d like to commend all the very brave people on here. I have read a lot of the threads and admire the strength and resilience of everyone. My prayers and wishes go out to you all.

I know this is not a forum for help with a diagnosis, but I am not sure whether this is something to worry about or whether I am being really silly? This mole appeared on my stomach, just below ribs, about a year ago and it is seems to be getting bigger. About 5.5mm now. With a bumpy surface. I am 43 so it could be an age spot? I don’t want to get laughed out of the doctors if it is nothing to worry about! 

Any advice massively appreciated. Thank you Pray 

  • Hi Jay, Google ABCDE rules for moles and melanoma and make a judgement based on these. My GP referred me because she was unsure, as soon as consultant oncologist saw my mole it was removed that day, had all the classic signs.


  • Hi Jay

    Like what mike13 advises and if it was me, I would seek G.p. advice anyway . Best wishes 

  • Hi Jay,

    If you are concerned, and it sounds as if you are, just get it checked. You will not be laughed out of the doctors. 


  • Hiya, hope you are ok. Please make an appointment to go to your GP. I had an atypical mole for years. But last year it started to show all the classic changes of the ABCDE rule it also really started to itch. I called the GP and she saw me that day - even during lockdown last summer. It’s important to get these things checked out as soon as possible. 
    Let us know how you get on xx 

  • Hi Jay

    Get it checked out whether it shows the classic signs i.e. ABCDE rules or not.  There is a rare form of melanoma which does not follow the rules, except I guess mine was evolving.  You will not see it shown in leaflets and it is hardly ever spoken about.  Doctors ignore it or mistake it for a BCC and at the end of the day this makes these melanomas more dangerous as they can be left too long. Do not depend on the ABCDE rules.  There is too much rigid thinking over what is and isn't melanoma and these rules promote this thinking as I found to my cost.

  • Hi Jay1977

    To ensure you regain your peace of mind, give the GP a call.  If they suspect anything may be untoward, you will be seen by your hospital probably within a few weeks and they will remove it for a biopsy. Simple and easy, no drama, no real pain, just a couple of stiches to close you back up.

    Plus, from what I've heard its been a bad year for all our NHS staff, so even if you did make them smile, they would no doubt appreciate that too.

    Let us all know how you get on,

    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!

  • As Tiptoes says definitely get it checked out if you are remotely concerned. My husband’s lesion definitely did not conform to ABCDE characteristics but luckily GP removed anyway just in case it was a BCC. He was very shocked when it tested positive as melanoma. I can guarantee no one will laugh at you. 

  • Hi again Jay,

    My case sounds very like what Tiptoes had. My lesion did not look anything like the typical photos. I had seen several doctors for other things in the lead up to my diagnosis, even an oncologist and only one doctor was concerned though he did not suggest it was melanoma. By the time I saw him I already had my appointment for the lesion to be removed in any case.

    Again no good doctor will laugh at you. Most doctors would much prefer to see a patient while the lesion is small and easily operable than to be faced with a patient requiring more invasive treatment just because the patient was afraid of wasting the doctor's time. 


  • Hi

    I'm hoping that you've taken everyone's great advice and booked an appointment to see your GP. My melanoma was an amelanotic melanoma so didn't look anything like the usual ABCDE 'rules'.

    Do come back and let us know how you get on


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  • Thank you all for the great advice. I had to send a pic to my GP and then had a discussion over the phone (they are not seeing many patients atm). I have an appointment booked with a dermatologist for Monday 29th! So all moving very quickly. Thanks everyone Pray