Pain and swelling after slnb

  • 5 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hi folks. I had a wle of a melanoma on my shoulder and slnb under my armpit about 3 weeks ago now. My shoulder has healed well, but my armpit is very tender and, at times, I struggle to move my arm. The back of my arm feels like a cheese grater has been used on it and, if it gets cold, feels like it is on fire. I have been awake all night with increased pain in my armpit and where my arm meets the top of my chest, it feels swollen this morning and I can barely move my arm. I have a consultant appointment on Friday when I should get my biopsy results but was wondering if this is normal as I am desperate to get back to work especially having already taken an extra week off. Would appreciate advice please. 

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to read that you're in a lot of pain from the area where you had your SLNB done. I also had one done in my armpit and although it was initially uncomfortable, 2 weeks later my arm was fully mobile again.

    If you haven't already phoned your SCNS to tell her about the amount of pain you're in I recommend that you do so immediately in case you have an infection. I realise that they may now have finished for the day so I'd recommend that you give NHS111 a call if you're still in pain. They can then assess whether you need to be seen by an out of ours GP.

    Do come back and let us know how you get on.


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  • Thanks for the advice Latchbrook. So I phoned the SCNS this morning who said she would get the surgeon to call. A nurse practitioner phoned instead and thinks I have an infection so I need to call the GP for antibiotics quickly. Spoke to Gp receptionist who said she will get the GP to call. That was 4 hours ago now and our chemist shuts at 6.30. So here I am rolled up in bed with pain, swelling and shivers. Thank goodness for my hot water bottle! Why isn’t anything simple? 

  • I would advise that you ring your GP immediately and tell the receptionist how urgent the antibiotics are!! An infection in a wound can be a serious thing. If you can't get through to your GP then phone NHS111 immediately!

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thanks for that. The gp receptionist phoned back to say that dr has written prescription for antibiotics and sent it to the pharmacy so managed to get it collected in time. Hopefully will feel better soon then biopsy results Friday so fingers crossed!!!

  • That's great . Hope you begin to feel better soon.

    Let us know how it goes on Friday.


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