Spread to liver?

  • 9 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Just wondering if any had experience of spread to liver after clear WLE and clear SLNB

  • Hi just wondered why you asked this question because after looking at your profile your last results were clear and you were having three months check ups. I don’t know of anyone with a clear WLE and SLNB personally who’s melanoma has spread to liver but my friend who had ocular melanoma has now melanoma in the liver and is now having ipi and Nivolumab every 3 weeks.


  • I have been having stomach problems and had blood tests that showed elevated liver enzymes, so I am currently awaiting an Ultrasound 

  • Try not to worry until you have the results as it most likely be nothing to worry about. My melanoma spread from my thigh to my lungs,spine and also a large tumour near my kidney. That was 3 years ago and with treatment I have no melanoma in my spine or lungs and also the tumour near my kidney which has shrunk maybe dead. I am  currently on Nivolumab for another year. I know once we have had melanoma we tend to put all our ailments down to it but there is often another cause. I don’t know if this helps you but try to keep busy. It is great news you had clearWLE and SLNB. 

  • Thank you for replying, have been clear just over a year, and I am certain that the raised liver levels isnt linked to my melanoma, it will be nice to have it confirmed. Good luck with the rest of your treatment 

  • Hi Sonny09, it’s good that your team are being cautious even if it causes a bit of worry. In May my CT scan showed something suspicious on my liver so my team arranged for an MRI scan. The detail on the MRI showed it to be nothing of concern, I hope your ultrasound is nothing to worry about and that you haven’t too long to wait.

    Take care KT

  • Thank you, it proves that we need to be constantly on the ball and not worried to go and get things checked out.

  • Hi

    I was just looking through some of the older threads and noticed that you hadn't come back to tell us how your ultrasound went. I'm hoping that's because nothing was found Fingers crossed


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  • Apologies I forgot to update (too much going on) thankfully nothing sinister found on scan. Just been at hospital today having two suspect BCCs removed.

  • No need to apologise, that's great news

    Sorry to read that you've now had to have two possible BCCs removed. If you want to talk to others who've had BCCs you could always pop into the skin cancer group. Hopefully they'll have removed them completely with the excision biopsy and that will be the end of your treatment.

    Take care


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