My uncle has incurable secondary lung cancer - what does this mean for him?

  • 2 replies
  • 2 subscribers

Hi there, 

My uncle was diagnosed in 2017 with prostate cancer which then ended up in his kidneys. He has had radiotherapy for his prostate which got rid of it, cryotherapy for one of his kidneys and has had the other kidney removed. 

He's now been told he has secondary lung cancer with around 10 legions across both lungs. 

They have said they won't be doing any more therapy on him.

They've also said it's incurable and he will have to take tablets, to suppress the spread, for the rest of his life - with a 50/50 chance they will actually work. 

I don't want to upset him with my questions but I don't really know what this means in terms of outcome for him? Does it mean he can lead a normal life and live for another 20-25 years? Or does this shorten his life expectancy?

He's 69, usually fit and healthy apart from this, with the odd bit of gout at times. 

If anyone has any more information on this sort of thing I would really appreciate it. 

Many thanks.  

  • Hi,

    I am 67 with lung mets I have had for 10 years . My cancer is slow growing and I had RFA for several years to destroy the lung mets and I paid for it at Harley street as the NHS will not offer it to you. You can ask them to refer you to Alice Gillams  at Harley Street.

    i have now started a targeted cancer drug which seems to be slowing down the cancer and it is funded by the drug company.

    hope this helps 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    Hi, I hope you are well. I was hoping you could tell me what RFA is?