Is pain normal?

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  • 3 subscribers

Hi, im new to this group.  Just over 2 years ago I had ampullary cancer, i had the Whipple procedure and 6 months of chemo.  I was doing great... at the beginning of March I was told that I have several tumours in my left lung and it is incurable.  The largest tumour is only 4mm.  However everyday I am in pain.  Some days quite bad other days just aching and very tired.  I get breathless after housework, walking upstairs etc.  Does anyone experience this? Or is it in my head?  Still all new to me and still very much in limbo! Thanks 

  • Hi,

    I have multiple lung secondaries from my small bowel cancer primary. I was getting back pain before I had my scan, the pain under my left shoulder blade. The largest secondary was 7mm and according to the Consultant, not large enough to cause pain. He also asked if the pain had increased but it had not.

    I am a year on and have had chemo for that year. The lesions shrank for the first 6 months and now are stable. The pain is still there. Still not changed and not severe, some days hardly notice it. The doctors still say it's not from the tumours but I'm not convinced. I have no other symptoms from my secondaries so seems odd knowing its incurable!  In the meantime I am making the most of life. 

    Good luck in the future. 
