Feeling helpless

  • 2 replies
  • 105 subscribers

My Dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer, brain, bone and liver mets.  We have been under the care of a respiratory clinic and saw the oncologist for the first time this week.  My Mom and I have stressed how rapidly his health has declined and his extreme discomfort.

There was talk of morphine last week but no action.  Last night and today he was in agony and we were about to call an ambulance when eventually he was seen by a doctor.  Eventually after weeks of suffering he got morphine today.   I feel like he is being left to suffer terribly and between all the health care professionals our pleas and concerns are falling on deaf ears. 

Today I just feel desperate as I have felt many times over the last few weeks, he seems to have been left to suffer with no help.  We just don't know which way to turn.  

  • Hi   it seems like asking for help is not enough anymore, and we have to shout to get anything done, and it’s who shouts the loudest! I have a family member at the moment who has come home this week after spending 10 days in hospital with ovarian cancer. She needs a care package at home, but it seems an endless task to get thus arrange, passed from pillar to post. 

    please do call the Macmillan support line on 0808 808 00 00 who will assist you on where you can get help. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • I am so sorry that you are going through this and thank you for your advice.  We as a family will be advocating much harder fit him now.  He has received morphine in the last two days and that has made a night and day change to his comfort level.  I will be reaching out to the helpline, thank you again. Xxx