Mums Stage 4 and now tremors?

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  • 100 subscribers

Hi everyone,

My mum was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer which has spread to liver, lymph and adrenal glands.  She was undergoing treatment (immunotherapy and chemotherapy) which sadly had to be stopped due to pneumonitis in December.

Yesterday, she experienced what I can only describe as tremors where her whole body was shaking and she couldn’t speak.  Our MacMillan nurse is back in tomorrow but wondered if anyone else has had experience of this.  Mum not wanting me to call anyone, worried sick and wondered if anyone has had the same experience.  No brain scans have ever been carried out. Thanks so much x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Pettle

    Welcome here. I am sorry to hear of your Mum's diagnosis.

    Please inform her nurse/team/gp asap about the 'tremors'. They can then get to the bottom of why this is happening. It could be likely that she may need a brain scan to check for things. I haven't had tremors but I do get seizures and I would imagine they look like tremors. I always envisaged seizures to be a full on body shake like you see in the films, truth is there can be many variants of them from just gazing off into the distance, to one limb twitching, or a total whole body seizure.

    If it is a cause, please do not panic, they can provide steroids and treatments too. But please act fast to diagnose what the cause is.

    Best of luck