Epiglottis cancer

  • 13 replies
  • 7 subscribers

Hello Everyone 

I have been diagnosed with T3 cancer in Epiglottis.  Consultant has advised surgery due to it being in cartilage and stating Radio and Chemo not effective in this.  Surgery is booked for next Thursday 23rd May.  I am just worried about what comes next as it all depends how much they have to remove as to wether I will ever be able to eat and drink properly again because of lung aspiration.  Has anyone had experience of this.  Thank you for reading.

  • Hi Mo , great to hear from you , and that the surgery has been done and you can eat and drink with care , its still a good sign . Perhaps once they opened the area up it was not as bad as thought . Really hope that its all good and no further treatment is needed so good luck with the results . All good for me thanks . Fingers crossed for you , all the best ,take care .

                                                                           Chris x

    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

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  • Hi Chris

    Unfortunately they didn't get it all so they are going to try again with another Trans Oral Laser resection taking just a bit more so will be back in surgery 2 - 3 weeks, bet it will be hell this time as I seem to have got off quite light with the first round.  He said that we can hold the Radiotherapy card to play later if it comes back as we only get to play that card once then we are down to voice box removal so happy to go along with little snips and hope they get it.

    All the best Mo xx

  • Hi Mo , sorry that they did not get it all , I know what its like when it comes back . Its better that they have found out so early as it gives them a better chance of stopping it , as you say holding back on the radiotherapy is a good option should it be needed later . Lets hope they manage to stop it this time , all the very best for the next round ,take care .

                                                                                        Chris x

    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

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