Looking for reassurance

  • 3 replies
  • 53 subscribers

Hello all. I think I had posted a while ago now. When my husband was first told there was a tumour in his kidney.

he has since has a radical neph and we got the results yesterday. 

A part of us was hoping it would be benign. 

PT1b grade 3 with L score of 1. All contained. Next scan in 6 months. 

we didn’t think to ask the consultant why it would be a score of 1 if it was grade 3. 

can someone help me. I’m very anxious and scared about the cancer returning. Any success stories of similar results and no return. 

Up until today I was being a supportive wife but today I’m a mess and he is comforting me. 

  • Hi - I didn't get all the numbers, grade and score with mine.  Just the cancer stage I'm sure you're familiar with, 1/2/3/4.  The critical takeaways from your results, for me, are "all contained" which is what you want.   I didn't have a nephrectomy because it had already spread.   

    Mine has been bought under control by stage 4 treatment.  I can't control whether it starts growing again.  But the pointers I bear in mind are:

    * Reading the room when I speak with my onco.

    * Holding onto the facts like the longer it doesn't come back, is positive.  

    * If it does get active again, it's not The End.  We'll just go again with more immunotherapy.  Done it before, can do it again.  

  • Hiya...the numbers can be scary because we don't really understand them even when we look them up. When your husband first saw his consultant you should have been given a phone number of the nurse in your team. They will discuss these results and help u understand them better. Main advice I can give is don't Google search...use britush cancer sites, associations etc...because online stuff can be incorrect and out if date. You don't need to be alone with your fears. We are all here for each other. I wish you both well and send all my love

  • Ty Mum....helpful to me at this very moment...needed putting into words to stop my head ping ponging...