Kidney cancer operation

  • 3 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Has anyone ever been told they can not have a nephrectomy? Did you get a second opinion? 

  • I haven’t experienced this but I have seen on on this app where some people hadn’t been able to have a nephrectomy due to previous conditions. One of them was when the gentleman said that the surgeon refused to do the operation as he didn’t think that the patient would survive the operation. Not sure that this helps?  Thanks

  • Hi, I'm unable to ya nephrectomy due to other health conditions and being on 2 x types of blood thinners. I'm currently waiting on seeing the Urology cancer team to discuss what alternative treatment I will be offered. Hopefully I will receive an appointment letter next week. Good luck on your journey.

  • Hiya. From my experience I had just had a heart attack 6 months prior and my nephrectomy was nearly cancelled at pre op stage. Thankfully I had all my discharge was the anaesthetist who was against my op. I showed him all my information, they didn't tell me that my eye pressure for my glaucoma results needed to be within 6months too, thankfully I had those results too. So gather ALL paper work for existing medical problems. The more you are prepared the better. I now have a concertina folder in which I keep everything. I have diabetes, thyroid probs, stomach probs, glaucoma, liver probs, kidney cancer ...the list is long but having that information gives you more power because your renal and oncology team don't have all your other for blood thinners, my heart surgeon was contacted and he gave permission to stop mine for 1 week prior to my op. Obviously there are risks so discuss with all relevant consultants. Thankfully all my hard work paid off and I eventually got my quarentees but just food for thought. Good luck with your journey sweety..huge hugs