The joy comes with knowing...

  • 2 replies
  • 46 subscribers
  1. Kidney removal last February. Everything going so well until December when the news from my renal surgeon was that the cancer had migrated to my lungs. Christmas took place keeping the worry until January. It hit me hard, taking me inside myself, so tired, so fed up. I waited and waited for the referral to oncology. It never came.  Phone calls made , sent my last letter from renal consultant, emailed. Left in that void of written off by consultant and not  belonging to oncology. Within 2 days a secretary rang, they pushed me forward and relieved I saw my oncologist on Monday. Today I sit here full of joy. I now have ALL the information I need. Yes I have stage 4 renal cancer in my lungs. 3 in my right and 1 in the left. It isn't curable but unless it takes and aggressive route it is very manageable. The oncologist and nurse were very thorough and upbeat. The nodules are very small so at this stage I shall have ct scans 3 monthly. My next is next month, when I feel I will know more of the growth pattern. I now have a pathway, my medicine therapy when needed has all been discussed. I feel so calm again today but still get very tired. I am back in the system now so have all the advantages of advice and support in all areas. To give back to the forum I say 1) if u are in-between, floundering, feeling lost don't sit worrying. Make that phone call, because admin is not the best in most hospitals, you are not being a nuisance phoning to see where your at. 2) ask the questions.  The hard questions, the ones u feel are silly questions. Just ask...not knowing is much worse than the truth.  My husband I visited 'maggies' for the first time. kind, the environment so serene. The list of things they can do for families is see what cancer charities out there. U may be surprised. Thanks again to macmillion and this wonderful forum. I cannot believe the difference in myself in just 2 days from total mental anguish to a serenity that I really needed. Even my husband commented. Hugs and love to you all as ever.
  • Hi  

    Great to hear you got the answers, I know how it can happen that people fall between the cracks especially when being passed around from department to department.

    I love my local Maggies too.



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  • Glad to hear that you are feeling calm and supported again, rather than waiting and wondering.  We are fortunate to have MacMillan and I've heard wonderful things about Maggie's.