CT scan shows a mass on my left kidney

  • 7 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi all, very new to the forum. Im a 52 year old male. About a week ago I had blood in my urine. Initially my GP thought it was a UTI, but on Monday night I had huge pain on my left hand side and my urine was deep red. I went to A&E on the advice from 111. They did some blood tests and a CT scan. The doctor said "I'm sorry, you probably thought you came in with kidney stone but it looks to be more serious". She didn't say cancer at first but when I asked she said that is one of the possible outcomes. I have been on the Internet but only UK sites such as NHS, Cancer Research UK etc. It looks like those symptoms are linked to advanced kidney cancer. I know that treatment has improved a lot but I'm so scared that it may have spread outside the kidney. I'm waiting on an appointment to have some more scans. The pain comes and goes. I have some pain killers but seeing blood in my urine all the time now. Anyone had similar experience? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Regards Paul.

  • Hi Paul 72 I had a mass on my right kidney did not expect it like you. I had an operation to remove it a year and a half ago I have a Quarter of a kidney left. It is a scary time I did what you have done trawling the internet it made me worry more. Wait to you get your diagnosis confirmed they might be able to treat it without invasive surgery they told me they could freeze the mass if it was on the outside of my kidney. Try to keep positive lean on your family a bit. Don’t try and do this on your own. Please let me know how you get on.

  • Thanks for your message Craigellachie. Hope you are all OK now. I will definitely try and be more positive. I had open heart surgery in April last year to replace my mitral valve with a mechanical one. I thought that was my big life saving medical issue, looks like I'm about to face another one. You are right, I just need to get these tests done and hear the results and then process the next steps. Thanks again for replying and I'll post again once I know more. Cheers. 

  • Hi Paul72, 

    Sorry to read your post, the unknown can be very scary, my CNS always told me to stick to either McMillan or CRUK for information and do not ask Google. Like you mine began with blood in my urine, mine was over a couple of months, I was then put on the 2 week cancer path where after a first diagnosis of possible TB it was then diagnosed as cancer. Mine was in the renal pelvis of left kidney and also ureter along with a possible nodal. Cancer was too advanced and large for surgery so had 3 cycles of Gem/Cis chemo, this shrank cancer enough for surgery and I had a nephroureterectomy April 23, I have been having 3 monthly cystoscopies for nearly two years and 6 monthly CT scans with contrast of my lungs,abdomen and pelvis also. I wanted to share with you as I have been cancer free for nearly two years now!!! My cancer is regarded as bladder cancer and is known as UTUC, but because I have had my kidney removed I do pop on here as well.

    i wish you well on your journey, try not to worry too much, once you have your diagnosis a treatment plan can then be put in place.

    you can click on people’s names to read their story to date 


  • Hi there Annie. Many thanks for your message. Wow, you have been through so much and now being cancer free for 2 years, what a journey you have been on. Thanks for sharing your story, very inspiring. As you say it's all on the diagnosis and treatment plan. Thanks again. Paul

  • Hi Paul 72. I had a very similar experience to you and at a similar age. See my bio. In short started with blood in urine then clots, only pain I had was from blockage to my bladder but after a few days of drinking gallons of water a CT scan showed my right kidney destroyed by a large tumour. I had kidney removed only two weeks after diagnosis back in late Aug 24. No further treatment post op and had my second 3 month CT scan recently. Waiting for results. My tumour had left the kidney into main vein but was removed in one piece luckily. Scary time for you and hope you have support of friends and family, I did and got me through surgery and recovery. As you say treatment is improving all the time and I have my fingers crossed for you that not cancer but if it is you can get through it.  Good luck

  • Hi Rustyfish, thanks for your message of hope and support, it means a lot. Sounds like you have been on a huge journey. I'm glad to hear all is now looking a lot more positive for you. I already have a nice scar, I had open surgery in April last year to replace my mitral valve with a mechanical one. Up until 50 ish, I was healthy. Never smoked, don't drink, exercised a bit, could have done more but since hitting 50 it's all gone downhill quite rapidly. I have read a lot posts about all the different treatments so hoping that whatever diagnosis I get, there will be a treatment plan for me. Thanks again for taking time out to reply. All the best. 

  • Hi Paul, just wondering how you are getting on and whether you have had a diagnosis. Fingers crossed for you.