Sleeping after Nephrectomy

  • 24 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi All, 

Please advise how long it took for you to sleep on the kidney removal site. I'm still only sleeping on my good side.. I'm a little apprehensive to sleep on my left as it feels very tender still and because of my flank bulge.. plus the sutures have y'all dissolved yet!! I'm not sleeping very well as I get a dead leg, pain in my ribs through the night on my right side.. I know it's only because I've been laying on the same side for nearly 5 weeks!  Any one else?? 

  • I found I couldn’t sleep on either side for about 12 weeks, can now sleep on the side of removal quite well but not the other side as just doesn’t feel right. 

  • Hi Janey36

    thank you. When you say the opposite side feels odd, in what way!? 

  • Feels bit like it’s pulling right side down. Not painful or anything just feels odd. Guess it’s where insides all been meddled with and it’s all mending st and takes time to get stronger. 

  • This is no help. But it took me absolutely ages I mean months to sleep on my rad neph side.

  • Thank you. I think it's going to take a while too. But I may have to try before I start back at work. Currently only sleeping 3 hrs and won't be able to do that once I return to work as I'll be even more tired .  If I am able to start switches sides might be better... but still apprehensive re discomfort . 

  • I have another ailment anyway. So after the rad neph I slept in the sitting position for months. You can get used to it. 

  • Im 4 week after full radical neph. I can sleep any side now  . I think problem its part physically part mental because we are aware about having surgery in that side and try to protect. I keep trying and now im fine Honestly i cant sleep on my back im not used.

  • Hi took me about 8 weeks before I could lie on my op side (radical nephrectomy right side) and even then could only do short periods but that was due to the nerve pain in my thigh and hip from surgery. It's been 5 months since my surgery and although I can lie on my op side it's comfortable.

    Please don't rush back to work it takes longer than you  think for the body to recover especially when you're not getting a good sleep. I found a V shaped support pillow really good at night time.

    All the best with your recovery 

  • Same not a back sleeper. I have tried to sleep on the surgery site for a few hours per night, got around a week! It's ok, feels tight and bruised internally but okish 

  • I know. Feeling really guilty for being off!! My husband said feeling guilty for having had cancer!!!!  Maybe i am going back too soon, but need to get back into a routine. I've so many booked things, planned already from before being diagnosed in April , which all take place from 2nd week in September right until December!! If I'm off work I'll need to cancel everything which some have all been prepaid etc!! It's a crap situation... but I'm going to need to take it easy when I return to work in just over a week and half!!! Scary! Worried