Consultants name not on admissions letter

  • 3 replies
  • 42 subscribers

I’m a fairly anxious person. I have received my admissions letter. The consultants name is different to the one I saw in the clinic. I have emailed my urology nurse and await the reply. I’m not sure if I am going to get a robotic and laparoscopic surgery that was suggested to me ? This is is highly specialised surgery and Mr W is an expert in his field. My family are very anxious for me too. 

  • Hiya. Try not to worry. It might be that the lead clinician's name is on the letter and you the person you saw in clinic is someone from their team. I'm sure you'll be in good hands as there's a whole team of experts in the operating theatre. They really do take every care. Hopefully when you hear back from the nurse, everything will be clearer and it will alleviate your concerns. Don't forget that many of us have been through the same or similar surgery and have recovered well so you can do the same.

  • Thank you for your reply Starlady. I have emailed my urology nurse. She is out of the office but also going on maternity leave on the 3rd June. I have signed the consent form so there is no question of me not having the surgery. My family (husband and son) are extremely anxious about me. I have other health concerns including polymyalgia and other long term medications one to be stopped before the op. Thank you.

  • My urology nurse got back to me. There are two urologists performing the operation including Mr W. I will have a different urology nurse when I go to S.Mr W will do the follow up back at B.