Appointment today and results

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  • 52 subscribers

So my wife and I went to my appointment today with Urology and I am a PT3 A grade 3 . I had clear margins and my scan last week was good .  My tumour was approx 13 by 12 by 11 so didn’t expect it to be low grade so I guess it wasn’t as bad as it could have been . I will have an appointment at oncology to talk about immunotherapy. My Dr told me that around 70 to 80% of people with my stage/ grade do not bother as it only helps by about 5 % so that’s a decision we have to make. There was no lymph node involvement which was good news also . 

  • Phil that is fantastic news!!!! Thanks for sharing as I have been, as will many others on this forum, been thinking about how you have got on. I am sure people who have had similar choices to make will respond about the immunotherapy situation. It’s waying anny sides effects up against the odds of any  benefits ( if any ). You can relax tonight at long last. The wait is finally over and the future looks very good x

  • Thanks cilla , I hope you are doing well 

  • I am good thanks. My next scan isn’t until Feb thank goodness ! Then it will be two years since my op. 

  • Dear Phil. I’m glad you posted your news. I hope that it continues to be positive

  • Sorry for me intervention (instead to help i put questions) I had the same but t2a 10x8x7 cm Its possible to dont need that kidney remove operation?

  • Hi, your Consultant will tell you what they think needs to be done . My guess is they will take your kidney out but they are the only ones who can tell you that. Good luck 

  • Hi Phil, I'm surprised your doctor gave you those stats about the number of people who 'don't bother' go for the treatment ( I presumes it's Pembrolizumab we are talking about) and the 5% improvement, as there have been very recent studies/reports that suggest much improved outcomes for people with certain types of kidney cancer that have Pembro in terms of recurrence and survival rates. I expect the oncologist will be able to tell you more detail about this, or you could Google it yourself. It's a decision for the individual of course but my feelings were that I want to do anything I can to reduce risk of recurrence. I understand the urge to want to 'wait and see' and just have the scans, as having the treatments does alter your mindset a bit I think, just keeps it in your mind more if you get what I mean but in between them, I try hard to focus on my life in general and keep distracted from any negative thoughts.Best of luck whatever you decide though.

  • Thanks a lot . I’m seeing oncologist tomorrow so I will ask them regarding stats etc . I think I might go for treatment . It’s almost as if my urologist was hinting that ‘it’s going to come back anyway ‘ . Thanks a lot and hope you are well . 

  • Or he could be thinking about saving money. I would go for any treatment offered.