Think I’ve overdone it

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  • 46 subscribers

Nearly 4 weeks post surgery. 

yesterday I went out and did food shopping. forgot about the heavy bags which I carried into house. 
Today I feel totally drained. Exhausted and aching all over 

  • I came out of hospital yesterday and went Tescos today with my wife but walked around slow and did no lifting and I think its best to keep to that for a few weeks . We sort of know how much we can walk but lifting is really unknown until you try it so best to leave it for a while I think 

  • Hi Phil Take it easy your body has had a tough time a bit like being in a washing machine on a full cycle.

    I had a radical surgery and like you it took time for me to recover. You will find that you have good days and days when quite honestly you want to sleep.  Your body will tell you, I took short walks with my dogs ( they had covered over a mile as I struggled to walk 200 metres sweating) shuffling along a nice flat path.

    My Macmillan nurse gave me lots of support regarding timescales etc because everyone is different and responds differently and also at different rates of recouperation.

    I was given a 12 week timescale which helped me head toward recovery, don't get me wrong I still felt tired and lethargic. 

    Hope this helps just remember the folks on here are brilliant and have all been in your situation or have family or are supporting someone in a very similar situation.

    Stay safe and rest.


  • Thanks Mike . I have just read your profile. How are things with you ?

  • Hi Phil still on my journey had a telephone consultation on Tuesday and a CT scan on Friday I have 6 monthly check ups ( I did a clinical trial which involved a  chemotherapy lung drug) don't get me wrong I think we all have anxiety and worries about what if, i can't tell you the night's without sleep and it's at the back of my mind.

    It helps to talk to people who support you and tell them how you feel ( I tried to avoid the people who basically can't comprehend your situation) 

    I did a lot of sessions with either mindful recovery and massage ( I was very spectical) but was surprised it was offered as part of my recovery.

    Please don't think it's only you that is going down this road, I haven't posted for a while but believe me I still read the threads.

    I think it helps and realise that your not the only one.

    Hope this helps and remember to take it easy.


  • Thanks Mike . I’m yet to be graded but am expecting it to be high grade as tumour was big . Did you have a stage and grad T1 or T2 T3 etc as im classed as T3 I think . There are great people on here that are knowledgeable and helpful and it pleases me that you arent here a lot posting but still read threads as I always look at it and think people just pass away after three years and can no longer post ! . I think I will be on some type of drug when I have my follow up appointment after a scan I will be high risk of reoccurrence. I am normally a positive humorous person who has never been unwell in my life so this has hit me like a sledgehammer. 

  • Hi Phil I was diagnosed with Grade 3 will have to check up with my note's ( I have a file which helps me process the  appointments)

    I had a trial drug which helped me but my side effects were quite similar to everyone's on here ( tiredness, arithmetic pain, and night sweats of the scale) 

    I think being positive helps otherwise you might be in a dark place (don't get me wrong we all experience this) but the worst part is over and it's out of your body

    One thing that I was advised was just because it's gone doesn't mean it won't pay a return visit ( don't dwell on this) it's out of our hands and you have to fight it.

    I also have a check up because I had growth's in my lungs and glands and fingers crossed they have shrunk via medication.

    My other thought is talk to your wife about how you feel and remember she is going through it also with you ( not many people ask how partners are coping) they feel helpless and upset that they can't help.

    Please share your sense of humour it may be a slightly darker than before but it helped me also no patience with people who basically have a cold or backache etc and just because your wound has healed doesn't mean your totally recovered.

    I still look at my shark bite it does fade and the staples holes ( my district nurse stopped counting at 50 )

    Sorry for the lengthy post but if it helps you in anyway to understand and process things great.

    Just remember everyone's story is different but all linked together as a family.

    Stay positive and keep smiling


  • Thanks Mike , that is helpful. I have the best family and am aware that the better I cope then the better they will so I have to try and stay positive. Dr Google didnt help me initially as it just stressed me out . I need to just get on with it now