Cancer spread to lungs now about to start Suninib

  • 5 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Sorry been quiet on here as after my opp and a immune therapy trial drug for a year it was all ok.

Before I waved goodbye to my kidney I was told I have lung nodules but they were only 5mm. I think you know where this is going. Since the summer they have doubled and are now promoted to cancerous tumours. All though small I have been advised to take Sunitilib. I'm sat here looking at the packet and putting off starting it for a couple of days. This shit has got real all of a sudden. My friends are supporting me but avoid the subject my wife also changes the subject and family think I am dying. This has occured to me. Only question I have well two how long after taken this drug does it take for side effects to kick in. If it does not clear them up will I be taking them for ever. 


N xx love you all

  • Sorry to hear it mate . Hope things go ok . 

  • Hi dandylion, sorry to hear your news. I read your profile  - how long ago was your operation now and which immunotherapy drug were you on if you don't mind me asking and how did you feel while having it? Did you ever start working again with the treatments going on etc?

    I feel for you regarding your wife and friends etc. avoiding the subject. I think sometimes people don't know whether you want to talk about your health or not.. It's hard for them to understand the disease and the treatments as well. That's what is useful about this online community I guess. 

    I get why you want to delay starting the tablets, not knowing how they might affect you. But I suppose you just take each day (and tablet!) as it comes and try to enjoy the same things you always have as much as you can.

  • Hi thanks for reply,

    I have my opp in November 2020 after being diagnosed in September. Then started an immune therapy trial in January. Can't remember the drugs but it involved going there every month for a year. Worked throughout this as I plan to now I'm on the chemo. All though taken a few days off sick to see if I have any side effects. I am a publican and rather be embarrassed at home rather than at work, if you know what I mean. 

    Fingers crossed all is well so far and my blood pressure is normal

    Might even try to go for a beer tomorrow.,

    Thanks for replying.

    D x

  • No side effects with the immune therapy and used to look forward to sitting quietly for an hour reading the paper. All though told off a couple of times as turning the page used to set the alarms off on the monitor.

  • Yes, why not - go for it - the drink, that is!

    Hope all continues ok for you.