What a difference a year makes.

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A year today since I was told I’d got a Bosniak 4 cyst on my kidney measuring 18 centimetres- a year on and my left kidney and the cyst, which were both cancerous, have been removed and I’m more or less back to full strength. I thought I’d just post something to say thanks to Mac Millan and all those who offered support and advice via this forum. When I found out, quite by chance during a more routine scan, that I had something quite serious I suddenly felt very alone. Reading people’s experiences on this forum really helped me get through it. I know that others aren’t as lucky as me but I hope that the fact I’ve come through this in a year will help to give hope to others. 
My best wishes go to all those who are affected by cancer, I still look at this site and gain support from the tremendous courage shown by all.