
  • 2 replies
  • 5 subscribers

Hi all, I feel like I'm going out of my mind with worry. Christmas day my left breast felt tender and heavy. The next day it felt the same but there was also an irregular red circular shape. I saw my gp the following day. She prescribed anti fungal cream. She couldn't feel any lumps but has referred me for the 2ww cancer referral. I go on the 11th and it just seems so far away. Today the original circular red outline has faded slightly however I now have a new discoloration that looks like a reddish purple bruise. The tenderness is still there and I swear that breast feels firmer. I'm so scared it's IBC having read all about it. 

I'm really just asking how you get through the 2 week wait, if you had similar symptoms and do they confirm anything at your 2ww cancer appointment?

Thanks everyone 

  • Hi Itsybitsy 6, I can understand how worried you are at the moment, it horrible and so stressfull. You did the right thing and got to see your GP and she has sent you on a fast track 2 week track which is what you would want. Please try to remember not all lumps and bumbs lead to a breast cancer diagnosis but its best to sort it out. The 2 week wait in my area which is the Midlands is they have to acknowledge the 2 week fast track but the appointment is taking 3 weeks at the moment to see a breast consultant it could be different for you and Christmas will have slowed thing down a bit. As for confirming anything on your appointment date is down to how they work. In my situation i got an appointment 3 weeks later and on that day had a breast scan, then a biopsy of the lunp i presented with then they contacted me a week later to attend another appointment were they told me i had breast cancer then the told me the treatment plan. So from GP appointment to recieving diagnosis 4 weeks. Now this will seem like a lifetime of waiting but these tests take time. Nothing is going to escalate to a stage it can not be treated in this amount of time and that if there is anything to worry about. I am still here 20 years later. Do not google anything about your symptoms there info is out dated and there is so many new treatments on the market now. All the best Dawn x

  • Thank you so much for getting back to me I really do appreciate it. I am trying to keep myself busy but it's difficult. The appointment couldn't come soon enough. So happy to hear you beat it 20 years ago and thank you for still showing support to others on here.