IBC screening during Covid

  • 2 replies
  • 6 subscribers

Has anyone had an appointment during the Covid outbreak . I wasnt sure if sceeening is taking place . 
I have what looks like bluish /red bruising on my left  breast under the nipple area . There is a large dimple a ridge of skin and what looks like a puncture mark in this bruised looking area . I put off ringing my GP as I thought maybe I’d bumped myself without realising but 2 weeks on and it’s still there . No lump that I can Feel , no redness or swelling but I’m tender and it’s slightly painful now and then . Should I be worried 
I have had back ache for weeks now and have extreme tiredness . 

I’m 56 . I will call my GP on Monday morning 

  • Hi Lisa50 welcome to the forum and I am so sorry to hear how worried that you are.

    I dont know what that could be and neither do you but I think your last part about calling your GP on Monday is the right thing to do as they can refer you to the breast clinic should that be required for you.

    The processes for screening and for someone like you that have found something that they are concerned about are slightly different. As far as I know Breast Screening has resumed in Scotland but not sure about other places as yet. However, your GP if required will refer you to the breast clinic which is different and where you will be examined and if required have any biopsies taken.

    I think it is a worrying time for you due to the uncertainty of what this could be but I would urge you to STAY OFF GOOGLE as the information is not individualised enough and is usually generic so you can end up scaring your self when there is no need to.

    Please come back and let us know how you get on with the GP and dont put off any longer as the sooner you get this seen too the sooner you will know what this is and what you may be dealing with. 

    Sending some huge big hugs your way for now. x


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  • Hi Lisa50, I hope you managed to go to the doctor and get checked out.  I am a Scot living in Australia and I would urge you to go and get checked out.  I flagged it up to my doctor and he checked and said I was ok in early May, two weeks later I went back again to another doctor and showed him photos of what I was seeing, he arranged for me to have a mammogram and ultrasound.  I had to wait until the 2nd of July to get this done, and my worst fears were confirmed with a biopsy.   Inflammatory breast cancer, left breast and two lymph nodes under same side.  There is no lump with inflammatory breast cancer.  The appearance of my breast changes all the time, it is nothing like the images I see on google, it is so very slight redness and it is the shape of my bra which confused me in the beginning, no pain.  So glad I went with my gut feeling and asked a second doctor as this is an extremely aggressive cancer.  I hope you get checked out and alleviate your fears, it may well be bruising but you need to get checked out by a professional.  Wishing you all the best and hope you have a positive outcome.  Covid-19 should never come in the way of being checked out.  I know the health professionals here are worried that enquiries are down during this time, if you think something is amiss, then please go and ask, you know your body the best!  Sending big hugs all the way from Australia.

    SewScot in Oz