Phased return to work

  • 1 reply
  • 9 subscribers

Hi all, any advice regarding when to go back to work?  I know the fatigue can last typically a year.  The complicated part is it’s almost 2 years since I’ve been in work.  It took 6 months for a stage 4 Hodgkin’s diagnosis then 2 cycles of ABVD then 4 of escalated BEACOPP.  People say I’ll know when I’m ready but really do you ever feel ok ever again????  I’m a secondary school teacher.  Any advice would be so mugh appreciated.

  • Hi again  this is a hard one.

    When I was first diagnosed (1999) with my rare type of NHL I was working as an FE Lecturer on a full time table…. with my non-teaching sessions fitted in around my various treatments….. after 12 years things started to become more aggressive so I left and took my pension at 55.

    In late 2013 a second more aggressive type of NHL come along so if I had still been working I would have never went back following my 2 years full on treatment.

    The main reason being, 9 years on from my last treatment my immune system is still very fragile so I develop infections at the drop of a hat. 

    Let’s look for any members who have first hand experience of phased return to help you out.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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