
  • 3 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hello to all

I had surgery 4 weeks ago for partial parotid glad and lymph nodes  removal.

The operation was a success,  but I have since found out thar I have an irregular nodule in my left lung which has scared me. I wasn't told about this by my consultant,  I saw it on my hospital notes.

Since i found out about this, I have had no contact from any of my medical team, just told that an appointment has been booked for a ct with contrast scan. 

I thought I was doing ok regarding my original diagnosis,  surgery and recovery,  but I am now feeling so emotional and drained. I am not back to work yet, I have another 3 weeks off. I am unable to concentrate on anything.

Is this normal?

I am being sent for counselling through my local cancer charity,  but this won't begin until mid to late April.

Thank you for reading  x

  • Hi. You are going to be worried. It’s only normal. 
    I can add a little context which might make you feel a little less lost. 
    My Pre treatment CT showed two nodules in my lungs. Both irregular. One 7mm and one 11mm The second one was just under the pleura which is the worst place it could be for cancer. 
    I kept asking about the results of the CT but as I wasn’t seeing an oncologist any more nobody could tell me. I finally got an answer which I’ve just described. It took weeks to eventually see any sort of oncologist and I was told that these were common in older folk but that I would still need another CT three months after the first to confirm these were benign. 
    They were but these were worrying times. 
    To add insult to injury I was sent for a thyroid US after treatment with no explanation. The chap doing the scan got into a bit of a panic when I asked what on earth was going on. 
    He blurted out that I had a lesion on my thyroid cartilage ( part of my larynx). It had shown up on my diagnostic MRI but nobody mentioned it. That again had remained the same so he had diagnosed a benign cartilage tumour. I buried my head in the sand about this and left it there 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you for your reply and explanation. 

    I hope you are keeping well x

  • I am. This whole thing is so worrying right from the start especially as the medics seem to drip feed us info as if we can’t handle the news. 
    I would rather have been told the truth even if it was bad news. If you’re not you constantly bargain 

    Hang on. It’s all you can do. Sending you a huge hug. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge