16 months post treatment Folate Deficiency

  • 4 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi, happy new year to you all Blush

Im 16 months post treatment.  The last month or so I’ve developed pain in my joints, my hands particularly so much so I can’t grip much or open anything.  I consulted my GP who subsequently took bloods.  Seems my thyroid is showing under activity but of more concern is that I’m folate deficient anaemic, so on a course of folic acid for 3 months.  Over the past month I’m coughing constantly again, my tongue is really sore and bleeds a lot when I brush my teeth or eat something too harsh, I have pain in my chest which travels to my back, short of breath, I have heartburn and indigestion and swallowing is proving troublesome and I cannot sleep enough.  My GP has suggested it could be dietary but didnt access my cancer notes.  Of course, my alarm bells are ringing very loudly and anxiety has settled in.  
im worried my cancer has come back into my chest/oesophagus.  I have emailed my oncology nurse and am due in clinic on the 15th January.

am I being unduly panicky? Have any of you encountered this post treatment?

thanks in advance


  • Hi Nix. I’m sure all these things are treatment related. 
    I have reflux for which I’m permanently on Lansoprazole. With reduced saliva which is alkaline our stomach pH is deranged and digestive upsets are common. 
    PPIs reduce stomach acid as their mode of action and this can lead to folate deficiency because the vitamin is best absorbed in the low pH of a normal stomach. 
    Don’t forget that reflux can cause LPR leading to chest pain, coughing and painful mouth and throat. 
    You could consider thrush as well. Might be worth mentioning that to your GP

    To avoid all this I take PPI folate and vitamin D 

    I also have my thyroid levels tested every year because RT can cause hypothyroidism and take precautions to keep my BP and cholesterol low to avoid atheroma which can affect the carotid arteries after RT

    The treatment that keeps on giving, eh? 
    You couldn’t make it up ! 
    Nevertheless I am well and thriving. 
    Hope some of this helps. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Thankyou Dani, this is really helpful.  I hate all the late effects which we’re having to endure. As you say, we’ve survived it so far, I’m glad you’re thriving, I’m not quite there yet, day by day. 

  • I’m glad you’re thriving, I’m not quite there yet, day by day. 

    You WILL get there.

    I used to fill my late Mum's pill organiser and we used to joke about the multicoloured array. I now look at the pills I down every day when before I got ill I ran for pleasure and never even looked at a paracetamol Joy

    But hey, it's a small price to pay. We just have to look after ourselves a little better.


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Nix happy new year. 
    A timely reminder for all of us our  thyroid s bloods need checking annually I had mine  done in December with results given  to me on Monday.We have to be proactive in having bloods re done inspite of me saying I need TSH and T4 bloods checking they only did the TSH which is rising slight every year. This is a case of them not reading or listening my oncologist wrote to gp reiterated that I need them. 
    So reminder to all who have had radiotherapy. 
    I too like Dani pre treatment rarely took meds apart from one blood pressure tablet . I m now also on ppi for reflux and statins for cholesterol again oncologist advise due to treatment that could affect our carotid artery. 
    I’m still cycling but not as far. 
    I’ve a small amount of radiation fibrosis at back of neck it’s manageable. I do my swallow and jaw exercises several times a day.

    As we say. The cancer that keeps on giving but we’re here and I’m living a good life. 

    Best wishes for appointment fingers x all ok 



    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers 
