The weather

  • 15 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Does anybody have a problem with the weather has been so cold blame it on the radiation. It’s almost like you can’t catch your breath.

  • On a more positive note I am not getting  the constant water blisters since June now every second day and not every day

    That's good news. Your body is adjusting to a new version 

    I was wondering about you the other day.....


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Hi I haven’t had CRT but pretty major surgery back in July. I found a holiday to Cyprus very challenging because of the heat and low humidity - really dried out my throat and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Rather than the cold could it be turning up the central heating? Maybe try a humidifier. I know I also forget to keep well hydrated now it’s winter and that makes a big difference to my throat. 

  • Hi Woodz

    Like you I find that the heat and low humidity a real challenge. I live in Australia so in summer have the same issue as you had in Cyprus. My mouth dries out and I start panting and find it hard to breathe. I have to consciously slow my breathing down or I start to hyperventilate. I have to try and stay in the air conditioning as much as possible and keep well hydrated on really hot days. The rest of the year it is not so hard as my mouth does not dry out as much. I have to evaluate on the day what I will do if it is very hot as it is not always possible to stay in the air conditioning. Just one of those challenges you have to work with.



  • I finished my treatment just over 7 years ago in November 2017, and I just couldn't get warm, especially my hands and feet. Even now I think I feel the cold more than I used to.


  • Aw thank you Dani. Yes the blisters in my mouth are easing. Thank goodness. Its great getting a day off in between. It will be a full year on the 7 th January coming that I first bit my tongue and my first mouth ulcer started . Like a bad dream . But I feel I'm starting to turn a corner now. It will be nearly six months since RT finished so I'm hoping things get continuely better. Xx