Check ups

  • 8 replies
  • 42 subscribers


I’ve had tongue operation back in November and RT which ended in Feb. I’ve had 1 check up with a pet scan and consultant to say all was clear this was back in June. He was a bit cross that they had not booked me in for a MRI so had to wait and have that done end of June. He said he would cal me with results but never heard anything.  I was also told I would have 3 monthly check ups but not heard anything. I just have no idea if this is normal or should I be chasing them.  

Natalie x 

  • Hi - if it was me, I would follow it up. if you’ve not heard, it probably means there’s nothing to worry about. But confirming will put your mind at rest. It’s completely reasonable that you want the results from your scan - it’s your body. Do you have a CNS you can email or phone?

  • I was also told I would have 3 monthly check ups but not heard anything

    Things are going astray as far as appointments are concerned but this needs chasing up. We need close monitoring for our first year. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Hi Natalie 

    Finished chemoradio June last year.... have had PET/CT scans... clear... now in the system for 3 monthly checks for the next 3 years... then 6 monthly for 2 years...

    I would chase up with Oncology.


  • In northern Ireland my local hospital I will get seen every month for the first year then every two months for year two, three months year three and so on until year five. I think that's very good.

  • Natalie,

    Chase them up without delay.  Sometimes the admin goes astray.  You need the follow-ups, probably every 6-8 weeks at this stage until they are comfortable with your progress.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Hi Natalie 

    I would definitely chase. Your health is paramount and you can't risk it. I think you should call them and find out what happened to the appointment you were meant to get and to get your results too. In terms of our health we need to be in the driving seat. Regular check ups are extremely important. 

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  • Thank you everyone for your replies it’s made me feel a lot better about chasing. My hosp was amazing at acting quickly with diagnosis and treatment but soon I was out of danger that was it no one ever calls me back or answers my emails or passes it on to someone else. I ended up paying for a private physio as I never saw one at the hospital. I did email my CNS nurse a couple of weeks ago but I’ve had no reply! X 

  • Hi Fab sorry to hear you had to chase everything up. That's not good enough. Plus having to pay privately for a physio. My hospital has been amazing. I had physiotherapy for my shoulder after my neck dissection, had lymphodema nurse within a one week request . My consultant says any change or worries to ring my cancer nurse and I will be seen. I feel very safe in their care. I was referred for a CT last Wednesday for review and have it this Wednesday. I can't fault them at all. Excellent NHS service. I hope you get sorted xx