Dry mouth

  • 5 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hi all,

Anyone got any good tips for dry mouth ? Finished RT treatment in Feb 24, healing etc going well, everyone pleased with progress. However in the last two months my dry mouth has really kicked in. I currently have oragell that tastes crap and just make my mouth feel slimey. Drinking iced water/coffee helps (though to be fair coffee probably doesn't help, but it tastes good and it's cold !!), it's that dry too that I'm probably going to have to change job roles (currently I train/instruct) did 1.5L of water in 1.30hr , so talking can be a struggle.

Also almost a year since initial diagnosis and I just can't shake the cancer cloud. Every ache, twinge,lump or bump seems to give me a feeling of dread. I'm on a similar path to my Dad (throat cancer then prostate) in that I've had tongue cancer, I'm the age where prostrate cancer knocks (as has happened to a few friends and colleagues) and I just can't seems to flush the feeling. Any one run down a similar path ?

  • Hi. Yes mental recovery is often the hardest. The fear does get better it’s just time. I tried to apply the there week rule to anything new before I contacted my CNS. 
    Have a read through this article about recovery from cancer. It resonates with a lot of us 


    Dry mouth  

    A pocket water spray is better than sipping water which just washes saliva away

     Chewing gum was good for me and I still use it sometimes  

    Acupuncture helped me too  there are a couple of entries in my blog explaining what kind you need  

    Hope this helps 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • yes, dry mouth is a massive problem for me as well... chewing gum, and lots of tea when eating.. it does feel a bit relentless at times..I think looking over your shoulder for Mr 'C' is something we all do.. I have an 'undetermined' nodule on my thyroid, and lymphoedema, so any bulge in my throat has me wondering... no doubt time will ease the anxiety, but it's human nature I guess.. 

    Loz (61)

    Oropharyngeal right tongue base T2N2bM0 squamous cell carcinoma p16 positive.. 

  • Hi. Old saying it gets easier with time which is true. Re dry mouth I’ll only add to Dani’s post xyimelts at night are a huge help in 6 years and I still use half of one . Available online we can get them vat free from hope to sleep an online company. Amazon sell as well but they are more expensive. 
    make sure chewing gum is sugar free. Re iced coffee  try decaf it’s is leasy dehydrating. . 
    Try not yo waste life thinking if the what it’s live for today. My motto is one life just live it. 
    hugs Hazel 

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • Dani's rule of 3 weeks is a good one and I've used that a few times in my journey.  It helps remove some of the anxiety of routine bumps and pains, but it does raise the stakes as you come up to the 3 week limit and it is still there.  What I will add is that when I have contacted my CNS, they have got me in really quickly and not once have they found anything to do with the cancer.  That has been reassuring.  It has been the routine checks that have always found it, often without me being aware anything is amiss.

    I've not had the prostrate issue but I know people who have had it detected.  Things have changed a lot nowadays with screening and early detection.  Most everybody I know has been detected early and are on tablets rather than invasive procedures.

    As to dry mouth... I find chewing gum is good, although I detest the habit!  Sparkling water is still much better than tap water, mainly the taste although the bubbles do help.  Anything with tannin in it will dry your mouth, but I like my tea, especially as a replacement saliva when eating.  I do try and drink green tea as that has reduced tannin and have to stay away from red wine.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Hi BL

    I finished chemoradio June 2023 PET/CT scans clear but the Big C shadow still hovers...par for the course for us... just have to make the most of life.

    Dry mouth is also par for the course, Biotene gel helps me, keep a tube on the bedside table, hydrate regularly, carry water at all times, I really enjoy a glass of alcohol free Guinness, quenches my thirst.

    Take care and best of luck 
