PET scan 3

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  • 36 subscribers

Well, PET scan 3 about 4 weeks ago. A year since I finished treatment and Boom Boom! x2 new areas of concern have shown up on the scan.  Just when we thought we were out of the cancer woods.  Apparently there are two 3mm glows showing in level II Lymph nodes.  The hard part is having to wait for 8 weeks for an ultrasound to monitor any growth, the current size doesn’t warrant surgery for removal until we can be absolutely sure they’re tumours.  The tone of my oncologist suggests he suspects they are but who knows, he may be wrong.  I’m more scared now than I was when they first diagnosed me last year. I suppose the great unknown helped me cope last year. I’m more aware now and it terrifies me more than ever. The scan showed I’m clear elsewhere in my body, so that’s positive.  Let’s hope this early detection is enough to cease any progression. 
I knew something was off.  I’ve been feeling really really tired the last month, not the normal recovery tired which I’m used to now but battery dead, energy nil tired and I’m coughing constantly again and theough the night.  I just passed it off as pollen, the cats, gardening, the full moon anything but the obvious.  
for now vigilance is key, keeping healthy paramount and positivity a must, which is really hard, so hard especially for my family.  I hate this shit! I’ve tried so hard not to let cancer define me and treat it with the contempt it deserves but FFS why will it not leave me alone, I’ve done everything right.  

  • Oh Nicky  that’s horrid news. At least it sounds operable in that you haven’t had a dissection previously. There are options yet but it’s so unfair you have to struggle through it all again. Hugs. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

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  • Oh Nicky not  the news you wanted to hear.Were all here when if you want to rant vent etc. on a positive note yiuve done something about it and not buried yiur head in the sand. I know a few who have had neck dissections after treatment and are still here. 

    hugs Hazel 

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • Hi NinthNoo I am into year 4 and can understand the Boom big time as cured once and cleared then neck dissection and boom back again , Just finished chemo and 5fu in June and scan showing no growth in 6 /7 sites so happy days. On an up note it maybe nothing and being worse case at least they are on it , I am keeping everything crossed for you . All the Best minmax