2 weeks of treatment done

  • 12 replies
  • 37 subscribers

My husband has completed week 2 of 6 week program of treatment for hpv 16 positive tongue cancer. First week was chemo and radiotherapy and he was pretty wiped out last weekend. He is slightly better this weekend although very tired. He is starting to notice swallowing is becoming more painful but is keen to try and keep managing diet etc for as long as possible.  He does have a peg tube fitted but does not particularly want to use it. I know the time will come when it will be invaluable. Today he's developed an ulcer in his mouth just wondered if any of forum users have and advice as to how to try and prevent them. He is rigorous with oral hygiene and uses sodium bicarb mouth was 4 day. Is this just an inevitable side effect. Dreading the next 4 weeks and what lies ahead. .

  • Thank uou do much for the advice. Analgesia stepped up today from paracetamol to oramorph. Persevering with the difflam mouthwash etc. He is taking a bottle of fortisip at bedtime just now as a supplement. He is a bit anti his peg but I m sure it will prove it's worth in the coming weeks xx

  • get used to the PEG.. things can take a turn extremely quickly.. I hated mine, couldn't wait to get rid.. but I'd have been at a loss without it..

    Loz (61)

    Oropharyngeal right tongue base T2N2bM0 squamous cell carcinoma p16 positive..