Shell shocked

  • 37 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Good morning folk and HNY. feeling scared to death again. Post 12 months proton 33/2 chemo. Had all clear for hpv16 tonsil and lymph node cancer in March 23. Life cruising along until 3 months tooth trouble. Thought it was jaw inflamed then tooth infected. Had scans and diagnosed with osteoradionecrosis and they have indicated possible jaw cancer. I am devastated once again. I have oncology meeting at Leeds and then dental hospital weds next week. They are planning a biopsy. Worried to death.

  • Oh   so sorry to hear your news. We have members here who have been face with something similar, went on to have surgery and are living well afterwards. Hopefully they will pop on with some wise words   and  

    Good luck Shaun...and fingers crossed for you xx


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you beesuit for the reply. It's reassuring that others have got through similar.

  • Oh Shaun so sorry to hear your news. Danis already said about Chris and Sophie aka Lyn hopefully they will pop on in next day or so. Good luck with oncologist at Leeds that’s my cancer hospital I’m there the 29 th. Leeds dental hospital is very good as well the guy the is Jamit Patel from memory. 
    hugs and please keep us in the loop we are all here for you 

    There’s a new trial  as well thus us Liverpool it’s open fir new patients

    Hazel xx

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • Hi Shaun

    How disappointing for you after having completed treatment to be faced with the possible need for more. When I was diagnosed with my second jaw cancer and faced another op I was pretty devastated too.I had hoped like you that cancer was in the past and I could get on with living my life again so it was a real setback. However when all is said and done all you can do is put your head down and follow the recommendations of your medical team. Hopefully it is not jaw cancer. I have my fingers crossed for you. However if the worst comes to the worst early detection is the key and there are good results from treatment.

    It takes a while to come to terms with a second diagnosis and there are definite ups and downs. I have now had 3 ops for jaw cancer my last one being in 2021 and in 2023 had reconstruction surgery. I have now come to terms with the situation and am living a happy life. I am back to doing a lot of the things I was doing before and have adjusted to the side effects of  my surgery and radiotherapy. I found during the down times talking to my surgeon and the support he gave me was a real help. I also found being on this forum helped as everyone is so supportive.

    There is definitely a good life to be had still. I have just returned from a 3 week trip to Tasmania (i live in Australia) and enjoy volunteering at my local library. Life is still good and it will be again for you.

    Sending you positive thoughts.



  • There’s a new trial  as well thus us Liverpool it’s open fir new patients 


    I’m sure you can get Pento and Pentoclo as a treatment anyway without running the risk of not being allocated to the new treatment as part of a trial 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Lyn thank you for replying. Reading your post is really helpful to see and although things are up in the air at the moment it's encouraging to hear your comments. I've just called my macmillan nurse who was very helpful snd and going to see if she can expedite the biopsy. Thank you for this site and the lovely people on it as it makes you feel less alone in the dark scary shadows that uncertainty can bring. 

    Much appreciated 

  • Hi Hazel thanks I will mention that have a look at that trial.

    Cheers shaun

  • Hi Beesuit thanks I will mention this on next contacts with practitioners.


  • Thanks I am going to mention this at my next meeting as an option, just praying it's not cancer.

  • Good evening Shaun22, i can't add too much to what the others have said but i fully understand how you are feeling as its always a worry when things like this happen and hard to remain positive, hopefully the results come back all clear but its not the end of the world if it is cancerous as myself and Lyn can vouch for. I had lower jaw reconstruction in 2009 with good results but will not go into details at the moment until you get the diagnosis, hang on in there and fingers crossed its something less severe. Wishing you all the best with your appointment and biopsy, take care.


    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

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