Year gone and I would like to go for holiday ..

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  • 37 subscribers

Hi Slight smile

 A year since I finished my treatment - T4N3M0 Nasopharyngeal cancer.

 I got all clear last November. Still have my PEG as my diet is almost no existing - I am reading a lot how you guys doing and feel sorry about myself - I should push myself harder !!.

 I have neuropathy but life is good :)

I always look for support , advice from you: I do not write often - if so always moaning !!:) ,but I am reading a lot and it is so helpful .

 Thank you .

My partner and I would like to Tunisia but I cannot find cheap insurance - any tips ?

 Love you all x

  • Hi Dani I don't think there is ever a time, you don't have to declare medical conditions. Most of them ask have you ever had a medical condition.

    There’s a difference though. I guess there is no difference between ED and NED for these companies. It was just an idle thought. I’ve done my travelling and don’t stray far from home these days. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • I’m off to the US next month for my second foreign holiday since lockdown (I went to Kefalonia in May). My travel insurance has always been provided by my Nationwide FlexAccount + which costs £13 per month and also provides breakdown cover and a few other perks. When I rang them about additional costs due to my cancer they told me that as long as I’d had no treatment in the past 12 months there was no charge.

  • I use them as well.  Previously they have covered me for everything except the cancer so booking late to reduce the cancellation risk is the way I do it.  Almost certainly if I have a problem abroad from the cancer then I will continue the holiday and come home to an appointment.

    Alas as I had an investigative Panendoscopy last October I am still in the category of under treatment so although no extra costs the exception for the cancer remains.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey