Due to start treatment on a week

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  • 150 subscribers

Started with a lump on right side of neck, lump removed in August 2023, came back as cancerous, MRI, CT and PET scans to find the primary , didn’t show on scans , October I had tonsils removed , biopsy of the nasal space and base of tongue, primary found in tonsil, due to start 6 weeks of radiotherapy and chemo next Monday starting to get really nervous now.

  • Did you have treatment in both sides - they are targeting both lymph nodes for me and I’m having a feeding tube fitted before RT strts

  • They will be targeting both sides of my neck but will be blasting the right side where the cancerous lymph was removed , they took both tonsils out the primary was only found on the right side tonsil , so they are targeting only the right side of throat, so they are hopeful that I can avoid the feeding tube, they have said they will fit with a nasal feeding tube if need it though x

  • This echos what happened to me. I had RT to both sides but mostly to the side where my cancer was. One parotid gland was spared so that I have better salivary function


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


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  • Buckle up Dorothy!

    if you can avoid the peg tube that will be a good thing.  And if you are determined you won’t need the ng  rig either.   
    prepare yourself.getting nutrient inside you will be an issue but it’s doable.  Assuming you already have a larder full of supplements.  If you don’t you need to be on that as soon as.   They are life savers!!! And once you get the first swallow down the rest will follow.  Good luck my friend.   X