Diagnosed today with head and neck squamous cell.

  • 19 replies
  • 151 subscribers

Hi Would really appreciate any advice or good experiences from fellow sufferers. Only told today SCC found in swollen lymph node in neck. Good news is it’s not spread anywhere else in body according to petscan and chest ct. I’ve been referred to Dr Fleming in Aintree. Ent say it’s treatable. I feel fine, just intermittent sore throat. I need some help I’m panicking. 
No further info yet just biopsy on swollen neck lymph node said squamous cell. They’re looking at it coming from tonsil or back of tongue. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sooh 

    I finished treatment in June last year for SCC.... Tonsil cancer HPV16 plus....it is natural to be terrified in the beginning, happens to most, on the plus side there's a 90% cure rate for HPV16 plus, treatment isn't easy, but well worth it, plenty of support and sound advice on the forum.... others will be on shortly 


  • Thanks Peter. When did you find it was hpv? Was that at staging? I’ve just been told SCC was found in the swollen lymph node. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sooh4496

    After biopsy/scan results. Subsequently a chemoradio plan was put in place, mask fitting session, PEG feeding tube insertion procedure arranged, dental assessment....a lot to take in but we have little choice, outcomes are good for HPV 16 plus

  • Hi Marie

    HPV is the cause of over 80% of oropharyngeal SCC and a swollen lymph node is classic presentation.

    The pathologist will already know so ask at your next appointment. You'll be given the contact details of your Clinical Nurse Specialist (your CNS) Look after her/him once you are seeing your ENT team after treatment. They are your point of contact "out of hours" so to speak. I keep bees. I used to take honey for the whole team but a box of chocolates would be good. Earlier than that you have daily contact with your RT team so any problems can be  dealt with straightaway.

    Take your husband in with you when you have your consult with Dr Fleming. Take notes and make sure you understand everything

    This is a challenge but it becomes a distant memory pretty soon 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you again. They never mentioned hpv just squamous cell carcinoma. 

  • Hi Sooh,

    As others have said there’s a high cure rate for HPV related cancer, which you should find out after biopsy. Once you meet with Dr Fleming a plan will be put into action, which in my experience is a lot to take in and there’s a lot going on.

    Things happen rather quick, and now after 2 surgeries I have entered week 5 of radiotherapy, which becomes Groundhog Day especially if there’s a lot of travelling, but doctors and nurses are there to help you through, and there’s the friendly advice on the forums.


  • Hi Sooh496, this is exactly my story. I was diagnosed the same.  I am now three weeks past two surgeries, one was to remove the cancerous tonsil and the second was a neck dissection to remove the affected lymph node and at the same time have some more tonsil tissue removed (as the first surgery there wasn't enough margin.)  The surgeries I found were fine and although recovering from the surgeries present some difficulty in eating/swallowing.  I must say that I have been fairly lucky in the after three weeks I am almost back to normal (albeit with a scar on my neck of course.)  I am due to see my surgeon this Thursday 17th Oct to find out what radiotherapy I will need as I will hear the pathology report then.  I am holding on to the fact that so many of the lovely people on here have come through it all and are leading happy fulfilled lives and that this cancer is treatable, so just hold on to that.

    Sending virtual hugs your way.

    Hazel x

  • Hi Soo4496

    Welcome to the group .Panicking  and feeling Anxiety Fear are all totally normal at this point … I watched endless TV/Fils to try and keep my Anxious brain busy.

    Oleasw stay away from Google it is not accurate information. This group speaks from their own lived experiences , knowledge,research and understanding. There is never a daft question just a group  of people who will try their best to support you through this tough /challanging time in your life.

    Sending you a virtual hug
