Always worried

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Hi, First time on this site. Have been trying to pretend it all never happened and not wanting to face it. I had 6 weeks in hospital last year with radiotherapy and chemo for cancer in one of my tonsils. I couldn't eat for weeks and lost alot of weight. I've had the all clear for a year now but still have symptoms. Stiffness in my neck, difficulty swollowing food without water, dry mouth (although it's getting better) and tiredness. I actually feel more stressed about it all now than I did when going through the treatment. I worry that it could come back and it stops me enjoying life in case it's all taken away from me, if that makes any sense. Friends say I'm looking well and I tell them I'm feeling much better but this feeling of it all happening and not being able to handle it scares me.

  • I know what you mean. I have one friend who asks how I am and then stares at me looking to see if something is not right. I just say I’m fine. That’s my stock answer. And they know to let it go.  And if this friend carries on I’ll tell her for the love of God let it go will you. !   I kept what I went through to myself and only a handful of people knew. I withdrew entirely from society for close to 4 months .  

  • Hi Hazel, I've just read the info on the link and I think doctors & hosptials should give a copy to everyone who has cancer. So much information written in a very accessible manner. So glad I read it and think I will make copies too. cheers x

    1. Hi DesR I am very similar to you. Only a handful of people really know what had happened. I stick with that. I would rather feel as normal as possible. I hope you are moving forward now. Take care. Jackie 
  • Hi Great you found it helped. I gave copies to family members and friends. Dr Harvey was  a clinical physiologist at my cancer centre Leeds and my oncologist gave it to me.
    we may look fine but as he says what many of us dont do is give ourselves time to convalescence its an old word but very relevant in our circumstances. 
    hugs Hazel 

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • Hi Jackie . Yes I’m moving forward well. Thank you .  My fitness levels are close to what they were.  Eating is less of a challenge now and I can eat just about everything. 

    I went through treatment and afterwards with fflashcards of positive affirmations. When feeling low I read them. Made such a difference. 

  • Hi DesR! What a good idea using flashcards to keep your positivity up! I am so pleased you are feeling so much better! I am on the road to recovery  so your words give me even more encouragement thaGrinningthere is still more improvement to come! You have a great day Grinning