Oncologist wants to stop treatment

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  • 88 subscribers

Hello, my husband has base of tongue and lymph node cancer - T4N1M0 and has had 29 out of 35 radiotherapy treatments and 2 out of 3 chemo treatments so far. He is really unwell with it all. Terrible throat pain, coughing up blood in phlegm, dysphagia, sickness, red raw on neck, can hardly speak He’s hunched over in pain. He’s now on Fentanyl patches whilst also having oramorph and dissolvable paracetamol. Peg tube feeding. Nothing orally. The Oncologist saw him today and is cancelling last chemo. Dr said not everyone has the last chemo so not to worry. Dr wanted to stop radiotherapy but my husband said no. He asked if he stopped radiotherapy would this be a bad outcome and Dr didn’t answer. Has anyone else experienced this? And what was the outcome? So worried please help x