Long term dental issues

  • 5 replies
  • 83 subscribers

Hi all, 

I'm 18 yes post stage III tongue base SCC. 

I had chemo and 20 rounds of radiotherapy....and every day is a bonus !

Problems I've had over the years ....due to loss of saliva and impact of radiotherapy on blood supply to teeth is lot of dental problems,.with teeth gradually breaking.

Had to have surgery recently to remove wisdom teeth and to deal with an area of radiotherapy necrosis of jaw bone... thankfully no sign of infection or cancer.

My problem since dental surgery is trismus ... whilst mouth opening has reduced over the years it's now limited to around 1cm. 

I have a therabite which I'm using multiple times a day but progress is really limited and I was wondering if anyone else has gone through this as a long term complication.

The pain when using the therabite to stretch mouth is pretty bad..so any thoughts / experiences / suggestions appreciated.



  • Hi  

    Whereabouts are you? There may be a late effects clinic you can attend for extra help. 
    Can I ask whether you were given any trismus exercises right at the beginning. ( I know it’s too late but I was just curious) I hope I’m not intruding. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Dani,

    I'm now based in Ireland. My treatment was all in Birmingham ( ironically I work in ENT dept as an audiologist!).

    I'm now under a hospital in Dublin, but I do feel that a combined ent / dental clinic has really been missing.

    I was never advised to undertake any exercises due to possible trismus risk ...which I think would have been valuable in hindsight ....I was at around 2cm mouth opening  until I had the recent dental surgery...4 weeks ago..which I had to have...but now only 1 cm....and although using the therabite now progress isn't great and discomfort is significant when exercising.

    Kind regards 


  • and although using the therabite now progress isn't great and discomfort is significant when exercising.

    I think all you can do is persevere. 
    So sad for you. Xxx


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi, 

    In a way I just wanted to raise the importance of dental health following radiotherapy to hnc.

    And to suggest that jaw exercises become a standard...to reduce risk long term of trismus 

    Every day is a bonus.....but there are always changes !!

    Best wishes


  • Hi Ngary. I have had trismus ever since I had my ops for jaw cancer starting in 2013. I can only open my mouth 1 finger wide now as the trismus got worse every time I had an op. I used tongue depressors stacked to try and maintain my mouth opening as the Therabite was too expensive. It is quite painful if I try and force it too much. It is a bit of a trial keeping up the exercises every day but definitely worth it to try and prevent the trismus from becoming worse. I don't think HNC patients realise the importance of maintaining mouth opening as it really impacts on how you eat, clean your teeth etc. I support your suggestion that the professionals should really emphasise the importance of jaw exercises because of the long term risks.

