Waiting for results

  • 2 replies
  • 81 subscribers

Hello everyone, I hope you are well.

On the 24th of Jan I had a biopsy, and I had an MRI on 28th. I was told in my ENT appointment that started this that there would be a follow up in a 3 week appointment. How likely is it that they would have contacted me earlier if they had seen something concerning? I was told by the nurse who took my bloods that they would discuss in the MDT that Wednesday (the day after MRI) but I was thinking if results aren't available by that one, then maybe this one.

Apologies, I am spiraling a little bit.

  • Hi

    14-21 days is about normal for biopsies....waiting is torture.

    MRI was after biopsy

    My first one was inconclusive...had to do it all again.

    Stay off Dr Google....try to keep busy


  • How likely is it that they would have contacted me earlier if they had seen something concerning?

    Not usually likely. 2/3 weeks for biopsy then MDT then your appointment. I had an MRI first followed by a biopsy with a consult to discuss three weeks after the biopsy. 
    Good luck 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


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