How does you neck feel nearly a year after treatment ?

  • 4 replies
  • 82 subscribers

Evening, my husband is having a bit of panic tonight so I wondered if anyone could givr him any reassurance please. He had radiotherapy and a neck dissection 9 months ago. He has noticed that the side of the tumour (where he had a higher dose of radiotherapy) it feels progressively more tight and hard. Is it possibly lymphoedema or fibrosis ? I know no one can say for certain and he will have to mention at his next clinic in a few weeks but is this a familiar feeling. He says it feels a little uncomfortable at times too but no definite lump but he worries that his slight lymphoedema could mask any lump. 

  • Good evening, Worrylo. It could well be just the way the neck is healing. When I was recovering, my neck felt tight like a bit of old leather, so I was advised to use Bio Oil or something similar to soften the skin. I have never suffered from the two you mentioned, but lymphoedema is very noticeable, where the area becomes puffy due to a lack of drainage, so it does not sound as if this is the problem. All the best.

                                                                     Chris x

    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

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  • Hi Worrylo

    20 months post treatment....My neck still feels a bit strange but oncology team are OK with things.... Under chin lymphedema still being massaged daily for drainage.

    If concerned contact CNS for reassurance?


  • Hi Worrylo

    I had a neck dissection and finished chemo radiation 21 months ago. Like Peter, I do daily massage and neck exercises but my neck still feels different on the treatment side. It’s like there’s a permanent hand on my neck!

    Perhaps best for him to speak to his team about his concerns.


  • Hi 

    I’m same as the others 1yearcon after neck dissection and RT my neck can still feel tight and strange. It’s also quite sore to touch some days. I do notice if I miss a day of exercises it feels tighter x