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I am just wondering if anyone can give me a heads up. 
I am awaiting radiotherapy treatment. I have my mask being made this week. 
Can anyone give me a heads up on what to expect with radiotherapy? I am having it on both sides of my neck and on my tongue. 
I have 2 small children and I don’t know what to expect from the side effects. Will my skin look different on my neck area? 
I was really hoping that I was going to have to have this treatment so I am really anxious and scared. 

  • Hi ducklings, 

    Nothing much happens for two weeks or so then as the  mucous membranes of your mouth and throat get damaged you do get quite a bit of ulceration and pain which for me ramped up to around the end of four weeks then plateaued. By then I was on long acting morphine twice daily and oramorph alternated with paracetamol every tow hours through the day.

    By week four I couldn't swallow anything so had a nasogastric tube placed.My analgesia was tweaked which made a huge difference.  I fed liquid food by pump overnight. My neck did get red and a little scaly but never actually broke out. I moisturised throughout with Cetraben and put aloe vera gel on in the car on the way home from RT.

    I had treatment to both sides of my neck too but a reduced dose on one side. My saliva was replaced by thick mucous for a good few weeks. Steaming over hot water with a towel helped this and I must admit I had to spit a lot. This suddenly stopped at around 12 weeks. This was replaced by a pretty dry mouth which took a good year to improve. It's the only side effect I am left with. It's why I have to obsessively look after my teeth with fluoride varnishes every three months, high fluoride toothpaste and no snacking on sweet stuff.

    The two weeks after treatment finished were the worst I think. The wrap around care suddenly came to a halt and I was utterly exhausted. I slept for most of those two weeks

    By six weeks I was feeling a little better and at twelve I had turned a real corner. I wasn't happy with things till about six months.

    Many of us follow a similar pattern


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • PS I do have a bog about my experience but I don't really go into too much graphic detail. One of our other members  has a much more detailed one so have a look at that too. Just click on her name here. There is a link in her profile. Note, though, that she had RT for a week longer than many and she has chemotherapy too which makes the effects of the radiation worse

    Similarly@ has written a good profile 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you so much for this information

  • Hi, Ducklings, Dani has about summed it all up, with her post. I would say if you are offered a feeding tube, a RIG or a PEG, I would have it, they will take any worry away from not eating during or after your treatment. I also used Aloe vera gel on my neck, after each RT session (only after not before, also ask for Flamazine if your neck gets bad towards the end of your treatment. It's only natural to be scared and anxious, we all were but got through it and so will you. We are all here for you when needed, so ask any questions you have, and always keep your team update on how things are, along the way.


  • Hu welcome from me Dani has given a great summary. As she said I had chemo as well. Sm now 6 years post treatment my neck burnt badly but once it healed I’m fine I wear factor  50 Duncan daily apart from that along with dry mouth I’m great. Blog might help 

    it’s hard but take it one day at a time 

    hugs Hazel 

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • Thank you for this. It is the unexpected I think and there is only so much reading I can do about it all

  • Hi Ducklings

    T2N1M0 tonsil cancer HPV16+ ChemoRadio finished June 2023

    Most of us were anxious and scared

    It is a tough treatment.... some do get off more lightly than others, side effects for me were oral ulceration, dry mouth, inability to eat for a few weeks, loss of taste and appetite, slight discoloration of skin in the neck area, oral thrush....radiotherapy teams will help you every step of the way....

    Keep the forum updated on your progress....plenty of sound advice and support from others who have already gone through or are going through through CRT

    Do you have a feeding tube in place?

    Take care 


  • Thank you. I currently don’t have a feeding tube in place and my oncologist at the moment is hoping that I won’t need one in. 
    Luckily I didn’t need one after my surgery either, however I am just going with an open mind regarding the feeding tube. 
    I have been given loads of fortisips to take. I just don’t know how much weight loss to expect either

  • I lost a few kilos during treatment, not enough to affect the mask fitting during RT  treatment. I did enjoy a few extra of my favourite meals before RT, again not enough to affect the mask have a healthy BMI....

    Try to stay off Dr Google as it will only cause more anxiety...use NHS accredited sites...or forums.
