Dental assessment

  • 12 replies
  • 77 subscribers

Hi all

Off to have my dental assessment tomorrow, so worried that teeth have to come out , I've got a few root canals and a wisdom tooth still in hiding , hoping all is ok . Plus just read radiotherapy consent booklet ,it's so frightening of all the side effects! Am I reading into this too much? 

Cheers Mark

  • Mark. All my teeth are heavily restored, a legacy of swallowing Franol syrup for asthma as a child. I didn’t need any extracting. 
    Side effects of RT. Yes it’s pants and a real challenge. Most of us get mouth throat ulcers that stop us swallowing food. But you take the pain killers, do as you’re told and you get through day by day. 
    My oncologist told me my cancer would take a year out of my life and counting from diagnosis he was spot on. 
    It’s natural to be scared, scared that you won’t cope as well as it won’t work. You will and it does. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Thanks Dani ,just need to hear it from someone else x

  • Hi Mark,

    I had 5 teeth removed altogether, 2 at one appointment and the other three a week laterall molars and a wisdom tooth. Not fun, but it all went well and didn't affect me except I now have to chew on the opposite side, which took a little while to get used to. Like Dani said, RT side effects are horrible, but there's help always at hand to get you through it. 6 weeks post RT I'm still fatigued, can't eat properly (not due to pain, I've lost my appetite) got a dry mouth all the time. My RT was to my nose not my neck/tongue so my mouth ulcers have gone now. Treatment and recovery are really hard, different challenges along the way, but you will get through it. Good luck.

  • I was really worried about my pre-treatment dental assessment as I had lots of fillings, 2 crowns, one root canal and one 'unerupted' wisdom tooth. To my relief I was told that my teeth were fine and I didn't need to have any extractions. Good luck tomorrow! 

    September 2022 aged 63 diagnosed with HPV associated SCC base of tongue T4 N2 M0. Chemo & radiotherapy for 6 weeks ending Nov 2022.  Dec 2023 one year all clear. See my profile for longer story

  • I went to my assessment knowing I had some wobbly teeth due to gum disease, but still was shocked when they wanted to extract 8 teeth that could be problematic. Had to wait a week before I could then have my mould fitted and extraction sites heal enough. I just went with what the orthodontist said and am pushing through radiotherapy now after having tonsillectomy and neck dissection. 
    Good luck with tomorrow and take every day as it comes.

  • I had a good discussion at my dental exam.  We decided that I could keep all my teeth, although one was suspect.  I was keen to keep them.  It was agreed that if I ran into any later issues post treatment then the hospital would take care of them (as they should).  As it is the one suspect tooth can get incredibly sore on occasions, but that is also where the main radiation hit so to be expected.

    As to side effects... They list them all but few get a significant number l of them and most of us show differering ones to someone who is on the same treatment path.  We are all individual.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Hi Mark

    I went in expecting the worst...3 molars removed...relieved...

    1 year later have been given gum trays to use daily with Duraphat 5000..


  • Hi CatSW9.

    I read your story , it seems I maybe have same diagnosis as you did . Just come back from oncology dentist appointment,with special toothpaste ! My treatment is to be 2 chemo week 1 and week 4 and 7 weeks RT. I'm glad to hear you didn't suffer too much from mouth ulcers etc and was able to eat ,I only hope I'll be the same. 

    I have my Peg fitted next Tuesday incase I can't eat / swallow but dentist said try to eat normally all the time unless it's really too painful. As it will help with swallowing recovery .Is that what you did? Wasn't sure if I was allowed to go swimming whilst having treatment? 

    Glad to hear your doing well x


  • Hi yes it’s ok to be scared but they have tj tell us all the possible side effects  but we don’t get them all we are all different eg I didn’t lose  taste but most do. Dry mouth seems to be the long lasting one for most of us but it becomes manageable in time. Recovery can be long we all get told a few weeks but my onc like Dani’s said he was looking to cure me but also said he would take a year out if my life. He did both. 
    if you’ve a org use if when you need ur no point in being brave if your trust like mine fits NG tube  when needed mine was my lifesaver. It enabled me to make a good recovery snd fly to Spain week 8 and ride my bike. 
    Hope dentist was ok 


    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • Hi Hazel,

    All good at dental assessment no need for any removals just a good clean and polish! Came away with special toothpaste also .

    Mark X