
  • 7 replies
  • 73 subscribers

Hi just wondering if anyone can help.

I am 32 years old and was diagnosed with tongue cancer around 6 weeks ago.

have recently had surgery for tongue cancer I have had a part of my tongue removed and a neck dissection. I am worried about the next steps and waiting to find out if I need radiotherapy. Has anyone else been in the same situation and what other treatments did you need after surgery? 

  • Hi Ducklings and welcome.   I only required surgery but im sure someone will be along shortly who will give you their  comments on their experiences of follow up treatments.  You could put some more information in your profile as it will save you having to go back over things.  Best wishes Mick.  

  • Hi Ducklings. 
    I can’t help with the surgery but happy to help get you through RT should you need it. 
    Meanwhile you might find the YoungTongues support group really useful. There are lots of youngsters there in the same boat as you 

    Have a look at their site. They are very active on F a ebook and W hatsapp


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Good evening Ducklings, after my first operation it was recommended that I have radio and chemo which i did, 30 radiotherapy, and 3 chemotherapy, its always best if they are confident that they have removed the tumour with the surgery and not to have treatment afterward. So it depends on what your consultant thinks, hopefully, they are confident and you don't need further treatment. All the best.

                                                                                      Chris x


    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Chris, 

    Thank you for this. I’m just waiting for all of my results from my surgery and just overthinking everything. Just don’t know what to expect

  • Hi Ducklings, I had stage one tongue cancer last February. I had the tumour removed from my tongue and had a neck dissection with 16 nodes removed. After my biopsy result returned it showed no spread to the nodes so that was amazing. When I returned for biopsy results my consultant offered me three choices 1 to leave and monitor 2 to cut a little more away as he wanted 2 more mm margin and 3 Radiotherapy. I was unsure what to do but one thing that kept coming into my head was that I couldn't wake up every morning and not worry about it spreading so I asked my oncologist if it was his wife what would he do and he said he would do RT. I really didn't want it but everyone I spoke to agreed with the doctors. So I took six weeks of it 30 sessions. I went into it really really positive with the view the cancer was gone and this was belt and braces. It wasn't easy as I took sores on week two which were horrible but I did it and I'm now 15/16 weeks post RT. Good luck with your choices xx

  • Thank you so much for this information 

  • Your consultants and oncologist will guide you and help you make the right decision. It's a tough time for you but I hope you are ok xx