12 weeks post treatment

  • 1 reply
  • 72 subscribers
  1. My partner is 12 weeks following radiotherapy for neck cancer. Eating is getting slightly easier and he has good and bad energy day. Recently his throat is feeling more sore when swallowing and his neck feels warm like during treatment. Is this common? X
  • Hi Sadie. 
    Is he being too adventurous with food. Are there any particular triggers? 
    Is there any chance he has thrush? 
    Is he moisturising still and has he any lymphodema? 
    Oh and welcome to the forum, well done your partner. The only way is up now with just the odd down 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


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