Tongue cancer

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  • 73 subscribers

Hi was just wondering if this wooden feeling in my neck will ease over time. 12 weeks post RT.  Even though I do my neck mouth exercises and drainage every day this feeling in my neck is awful. I constantly apply moisturer to my neck and that eases it a little. I wake up in the morning feeling so swollen and numb even though I don't look as bad as I feel. I constantly move my neck during day so I'm not sitting doing nothing. I feel my tongue is big too and talking sometimes feels slurred. I never had this after my neck dissection I could speak very well and improved over the weeks but the RT seems to have made a difference which I didn't expect. I just feel nothing like myself these days so so hard to get used to. Does this improve over time or is it long term . Sorry for moaning . Never expected the RT to do as much damage as it has. Thanks Jackie x

  • Hi Jg123

    I found the altered sensation in my neck quite difficult. Like you I did exercises and applied moisturiser but the sensation was really troublesome for a while.  The seat belt in my car really aggravated it and I ended up putting a sheepskin piece around it to try and protect my neck. That did help a bit but it still aggravated it. I found over time the sensation settled down a bit and it is not nearly as troublesome as it used to be. I still have that tight feeling but much less now and it is certainly manageable and I am not conscious of it all the time as I used to be.

    Time does help.



  • Hi the radiotherapy is brutal at next check up get consultant to examine neck but its all par for the course. It all takes time 3months is still early days although you might not think it. 
    Your tongue will still be swelled from everything that been thrown at it. 

    There are long term side effects but like treatment we don’t get all of them I’m living a great life dry mouth still around and a touch if fibrosis but nothing  stops me living  



    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help