Eating after treatment

  • 6 replies
  • 74 subscribers

Hi everyone 

I asked for guidance here a few weeks ago regarding a close friend who I was trying to support but was finding it very difficult because he would only communicate through text and I felt as though I was letting him down. Thankfully by coming on here I gained much better understanding of where he would be at in his recovery journey and found a different way of approaching him. 

Im pleased to say that things are much better now and he is making good progress. However, he is really struggling with food and is finding the most simple of foods unpalatable like chicken soup tasting too salty or beef based soups too strong with tomato taste. Obviously he’s keen not to be using the peg feed for a long period of time and really wants to eat properly so I’m wondering if there is anyone here who could suggest foods that might work. I know everyone is different but hopefully with your help I can suggest other things for him to try. He’s currently only eating chocolate mousse because that tastes “normal “

  • Hi. I remember you and I’m pleased things are a little better. I well rember the stage where everything tasted either bland or wrong. It’s a time to eat food for fuel. Ignore the taste. 
    Your friend can experiment with porridge adding butter and cream. Tinned soft fruit with custard and more cream. Scrambled eggs with Philly added to keep it soft. Avocado/banana smoothie. Toasted teacakes smothered in butter. Proper greek  yoghurt with honey. Supermarket trifles. Try some of those. I’m sure there will be more suggestions in the offing. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Hi Dani

    Really helpful suggestions again thank you! I did think that maybe he should ignore what it tastes like but unfortunately it was making him vomit but he’s also over that now so I’m thinking if he could try things he hasn’t already then there won’t be that association with wrong tasting food and not keeping it down! 

  • Taste changes during treatment.  For me, now, I can taste most things as I remember them, but the taste is very muted compared with before. Some things do still taste disgusting.

    When I was recovering my ability to eat I found Weetabix with gold top milk was a staple.  Anything I ate was covered in butter.  Muller rice works for me.  At one stage my go to calorie hit was chocolate éclair although I could not really taste it.  I always had some squirty cream handy for times when I needed more lubrication.  I am lucky that my wife is a good cook and adjusts recipes so there is less salt etc.  Shop brought meals may be too high in things like salt etc.  He needs calories at this stage so anything that works for him will be good.  

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Hi Peter

    Thank you for your suggestions. I certainly have a better understanding of what is likely to be best to suggest to him now.  Thankfully he’s willing to try anything as he’s wanting to eat properly so I’m sure your suggestions along with Dani’s will be very helpful 

  • Hi it’s calories calories at this stage. Make sure he’s not  eating low fat things. Fortify with double cream in soups if you could make him some home  made soups that takes away the additives that tins or even supermarket fresh one s have. I found they were always too salty.  A simple one would be a veg soup using veg as stock blitz it add double cream.

    Crumpets and toast with a poached egg was one of my go to foods. A fruit tea cake lotsv if butter then add Philadelphia full,fat cheese   Home  made custard with eggs and double cream yiu can add one of the ensure fortisios  drinks to most things eg custard to add extra calories. .

    He needs to aim for around 2500 calories every day any way he can. I did this for over a year and never put weight in but didn’t loose any either and I made a fairly quick recovery. I took the mantra food is fuel and eat to live not live to eat. It wasn’t easy but I was determined, my ng tube I removed at week 3 with nurses and dietician supervision. This made me eat,  of course I had to show them I could swallow sufficiently.

    I also ate smaller portions of everything instead of 3 meals a day I spaced everything out tom6 portions a day  I also kept a food diary and if I was short if calories I drunk the e sure drinks  

    hope this helps 


    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • Hi JustFlo

    Minced beef and mash washed down with milk, small portions to start with, also enjoyed some alcohol free ales...especially Guinness.
